saw the norc upper + havoc launcher + dummy ammo deal on your site


CGN Ultra frequent flyer
but it was sold out as soon as I saw it, I cant find any mention of it being announced either,

will you be getting more of these in? Can I preorder? looked really sweet to me, wish I could have bought one.
but it was sold out as soon as I saw it, I cant find any mention of it being announced either,

will you be getting more of these in? Can I preorder? looked really sweet to me, wish I could have bought one.

This was a "one of" not planning on marketing these
awwww :(

well kudos on bringing it in at least, very cool product, im sure if you ever decide to sell them people will buy them like hotcakes.
I wish we didnt get raped on the havoc launchers here. 499 when its 350 in the states. I know i know it canuckistan! Can flare guns be imported i wonder?
what is the package deal on these. anyone that wants the uppers want to split the cost? I want the havoc launcher :)
I figure it was just one of his minions selling his toy. If it was a norinco 203 copy I'd be more inclined to believe it was a shop demo.
Can I compell you to do a second one-time sale?
I want a havok launcher and accessories but can't find any retailer who wants to bring them in. I'm not price whiny....just want access to the launcher, accessories, and ammunition.
Or can you accept a pre-order for the next batch?
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