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".... I ordered a bag of stripper clips in 2006 and haven't used them, and now they look rusty. Can I exchange them for something I saw on Questar's site?"

LOL!!! that is hilarious.
Welcome and much thanks for coming aboard. I always enjoyed John's knowledge and honesty.
Just ignore the people out there that think that everything in the world is perfect. They are the ones that drive me absolutely crazy as well.

I look forward reading what you have to say, and seeing what's the latest offerings from Marstar.

Cheers, :)
I look forward to Johnthree and Johnfour. This Johntwo fella hasn't even responded to this thread. At least Johnone would have been bold enough to reply.

To make for his silence, I offer the music of John Two Hawks, a man who has as many fans, as he does claimants that he is a fraud, much like our Johntwo.;)

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Hello Johntwo. It might be good for business if one of you guys can respond to your emails concerning product information. I know its a pain in the a$$ sometimes, but we're just paying customers.
I'll wait for john v3.0..................

recent beliefs are that john2 is johnone with a haircut and maybe a new clean shirt........
Looks like Johntwo or one is working his keyboard? I tried posting a comment under the "My True Story with Marstar" thread. It looks like it is locked? Or I'm locked out. And I'm not even a "HATER" Actually so far I'm a satisfied customer? Any of these posts good or bad are all fair comment!!!! Aside from being entertaining I still say this is the best avertising Marstar can get. We still have freedom of expression in this country just look around the world at countrys that don';t!!! Oh Well!! Off to the range!!!
Who would johnone trust the most with commenting directly to the paying customer base? Why himself of course!
I'm certain he's the same dude. Should have taken my advice in an earlier thread...
WELCOME TO THE FORUMS JOHNTWO, JOHNONE WILL BE A TOUGH ACT TO FOLLOW AND I FOR ONE WILL MISS HIS ALL BOLD, GRUFF AND TO THE POINT FORUM POSTS Welcome! People are going to hate,after all that seems to be what the internet/forums were built for. Don't take anything too personally and let the troll posts simmer for a while before you reply to them (it ticks the trolls off when you ignore them ).
Welcome to the site. I wish you the best of luck as the forum can be ... *difficult* at times. I hope you being on here means J1 will have more time to search for new and interesting products to sell to us.
I look forward to Johnthree and Johnfour. This Johntwo fella hasn't even responded to this thread. At least Johnone would have been bold enough to reply.

To make for his silence, I offer the music of John Two Hawks, a man who has as many fans, as he does claimants that he is a fraud, much like our Johntwo.;)


Holy crap. 3:54 of my life GONE. I kept watching hoping it would get better. Nope.
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