The Shooting Edge - Customer service review

Hello fellow gun nutz!

This is my first post on this forum but after being a long time browser it certainly will not be my last.

After a slight communication mix up on both ends, I asked to speak with a manager/supervisor regarding an order I had placed. I was told they were all in a meeting and would get back to me as soon as possible. I was surprised to get a call just a few minutes later from Heather, the general manager to speak with me regarding my concerns and to help answer a few (many) questions. It was a pleasure to speak with her on the phone and after our conversation I can honestly say that I will 100% be ordering from and recommending their business for future purchases when I or someone I know need something.

Living in basically the middle of nowhere (Whitehorse, Yukon Territory) we have to order a lot of various things from all types of businesses and suppliers. My point is we deal with enough people to get a sense of who is concerned about their customer service and who is not. Again, after speaking with Heather (and David previously) it does seem like they do genuinely care.

Thanks again Heather!

Umm , not to be like that but....
Last time I looked at CGN without being logged in , It was pretty much marked as private, since your join date is march 2014 .
I just thought it looked a little odd.

k im going back to where I was headed when my curiosity side tracked me
Have a good one
Umm , not to be like that but....
Last time I looked at CGN without being logged in , It was pretty much marked as private, since your join date is march 2014 .
I just thought it looked a little odd.

k im going back to where I was headed when my curiosity side tracked me
Have a good one
You can see sponsors and sponsor areas as a guest
You can see sponsors and sponsor areas as a guest

Cool , I just learned something new:D

You're completely right and in today's world I don't blame you for being skeptical.

The vendor forums and a few others are open to the general public though and many google searches have brought me to CGN, a lot of the time it's the first thing to pop up for me. So I figured since I'm always getting redirected to those forums when I google random questions I might as well start an account. The truth be told though, I'd never been motivated enough to start an account until I decided to share my experiences with TSE. I do plan to be around for the long haul and contribute where I can.

Please disregard my post above, due to not knowing this .
I made an unfair assumption
I've dealt with shooting edge on 2 occasions and both have been an absolute joke and that's being nice...
Burn me once shame on you burn me twice shame on me they sure as hell wont be getting any more buisness from me.
Both times asked about a product to get fitting confirmation/compatability and both times were told wrong information!! Ending up in me getting all the way home trying to install my new gear and it not working..
No big deal right? Take it back . Nope! These goons tell me that the store policy says no returns or refunds even though I bought the goods on behalf of what I was told by tse staff.

The last time was a handful of mag bumpers for the bottom of glock mags I bought 150$ worth of them cuz guy behind the counter says they fit g21 I get home guess what !!! No worky!
Take them back and have to argue with the staff and finally had to ask for a manager because the conversation wasn't going anywhere
Long story short after 50 minute of my time and arguing the manager finally refunded my money after I refused an in store credit multiple times.

If I ask if something fits and get a straight answer yes it does from staff and it won't fit that is NOT MY FAULT! Not only was I shown terrible customer service I was treated without any respect and pretty much called a liar by staff. I tried explaining to the manager that I was in only yesterday and was told they will fit manager says no they wouldn't say that..

Anyways rant over
Tse is the last place I will shop in my books.
Living in Cowtown,,, I'm a frequent flyer to TSE,,, customer service has always sucked hairy moose socks... but they have turned a corner and lately I've almost been treated as a customer..... Seriously they have gotten a lot better in the last couple of months and they're are a couple of staff members that provide exceptional service!!!
I was going to say something not so nice, but then realized this is their board they pay for. So I'll keep it to myself.

I guess I wouldn't go to the store to verbally eviscerate the Shooting edge, so I shouldn't do it here either.

This thread looks like its going to go down a familiar path. All I would say is there is no point in typing something you wouldn't say in person.....
Been treated just fine every time I've gone. Once bought a couple P-mags, the sign said $18/mag but looking at my receipt in the car, it said $21/mag. Went back in, and the manager himself came over, offered his apologies, and refunded the difference no questions asked. Is it the best customer service I have ever received, nah, but I have certainly experienced far worse from gun shops. At least they don't leave me staring at the gun cases for 10 min while they attempt to make themselves look busy so they don't have to talk to a customer.
ive only been in the store 2 times as i dont live in Calgary, but i did have a chance to pick up a Kimber off them last Easter (or 2 easters ago.... cant recall) when they had their big sale on and i must say i got it for a STEAL!

that said, i did run into a small problem.
i hope they dont mind me telling this, but the shipping on the gun took like 16 days.
compared to another gun i purchased in Calgary at the same time was here at my place in 3 days.

now i cut them some slack since they had that massive Easter sale and where probably slammed.
but i sent them a quick email telling them about my concern and ended the email by saying that i was happy and would continue to shop with them if they had products i wanted. i also left them my personal cell number in case they wanted some more info.

i was shocked when i received a phone call 2 days later from the manager asking me some questions and wanting to get to the bottom of this delayed shipping.
after all the info was given and we had a fantastic chat i was asked if i minded if the owner called me.

i said i didn't mind at all.
day later received a phone call from the owner.

he assured me that they had found the problem and it dealt with.

i was amazed.
i had fantastic service when i purchased on the phone and fantastic follow up.
only snag was the delay in shipping.

end of story i was very happy.
ill purchase from them again, probably sooner if their web store was easier to use (hint hint!)
Have to say I have dealt with TSE many times and have had good results. All the guys and gals there have treated me well, including JR whom I found to be personable and helpful. I have to give credit where credit is due.
Then affix of the system is in order. The onus should not be on the customer to repeatedly request a response to products that you were selling. This is not a criticism but valuable input on a flawed system.
Then affix of the system is in order. The onus should not be on the customer to repeatedly request a response to products that you were selling. This is not a criticism but valuable input on a flawed system.

100% agree

We have to earn your business everyday.

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