Order Wait Time


CGN Regular
What is the normal wait time when ordering a rifle? I know I ordered a couple of Norinco M14 mags a while ago and they came in about a week. I ordered the Norinco JW 25a on March 28, 2014 and am still waiting for an emailed to say it's been shipped and have sent an email to your order status email address but no reply.
Thanks in advance!
We try to get our orders out as soon as we can. We have fallen a bit behind due to the recent influx of CQA and SKS orders but we are catching up quickly.

Sorry for the delay
I shot them an email about my recent small order as well, no response yet.
These things happen in business. Sucks waiting but, it is what it is.
Just ordered my CQA on Apr 6th. Order is processing now...here's hoping that it goes through quickly....the suspense is killing me, the waiting is the hardest part.
Shipped today! I also learned that a KAR bayonet will fit it! Ordered that as well! LoL, second childhood time I guess, thanks again Marstar!

Got it last night! Everthing I hoped it would be! Shot some 22 shorts out the backyard just for shizza & giggles, very cool!

Now all I need to arrive is the bayonet! :dancingbanana:
Placed an order about two weeks ago for a couple hundred bucks worth of bits & pieces. Just checked and it is still listed as processing. Oh well, good things come to those that wait - right?

Actually the processing delay worked to my advantage this past December when I was able to easily cancel my order after an unexpected expense came while the order was in limbo. Definitely saved some explaining on the homefront.
I ordered on sunday and have not got an email to pay for the item yet. Is this typical? Just want to make sure i get in on this cqa deal.

If you used the on-line ordering system through the website you should receive an e-mail saying that the status of your order has been changed to "processing". If that has happened, then you're gtg. The next notification that you'll get will be when it's shipped.
Mine switched to "Processing" within a few hours of ordering it. Then after around 6 days it switched to "Waiting For Approval". This morning it changed again to "Shipped" and my credit card was debited. Yay. That was actually quicker than I thought it was going to be. Now I'm just waiting patiently for it to arrive in my mail box. Because of where I live, I requested it to be shipped with Canada Post and it was. Everything came up to $593.38 for the rifle, tax and shipping. Still $100 less than if I bought it at a local store. At P&D, they're $690 plus tax, so i scored on this deal. Now I just gotta save up and get another M305B from them.
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