1949 Sks pictures

I wonder what happened to those 1947 SKS's. Probably used as parts guns during newer trials. Anyone remeber that picture of the 1947 dustcover a guy noticed at his gun store?
And I still have the pics.
Fenceline, I must know why you didn't buy the SKS with the 1948 receiver cover? Assuming it was in a gun store like Don Kael said it was.
Fenceline, I must know why you didn't buy the SKS with the 1948 receiver cover? Assuming it was in a gun store like Don Kael said it was.

Because at the time I didn't realize what I was looking at. I knew the year was cool, but didn't know how cool. At the time it was just a heavily refurbed rifle. I was fairly new to the SKS thing.

Trust me, I kick myself every time I ask that very same question.
Because at the time I didn't realize what I was looking at. I knew the year was cool, but didn't know how cool. At the time it was just a heavily refurbed rifle. I was fairly new to the SKS thing.

Trust me, I kick myself every time I ask that very same question.
No kidding, your pics are the first i've ever seen of a pre '49 dated rifle, the search begins...
don't mean to make you feel bad but just the top cover is worth ....... lol.

to those who have the 49 with skinny HG , the stocks are hard to come by .
Because at the time I didn't realize what I was looking at. I knew the year was cool, but didn't know how cool. At the time it was just a heavily refurbed rifle. I was fairly new to the SKS thing.

Trust me, I kick myself every time I ask that very same question.

And... someone probably bought it, put it in a plastic fantastic stock, cut off the bayonet, and replaced the receiver cover with a NcStar scope mount.
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