Heartbleed SSL bug.

Your thread should have started with this post asking about impact rather than telling this site to install a bug fix ASAP to fix a vulnerability.

There is not enough aluminum in this world for CGN/Internet hats. :jerkit:
For people like me who are not as technical as you do this is a concern. I only learned about this after installing the Google Chrome Heartbleed plug-in. Thanks for the info.
Good to hear but I'm more interested in what the CRA and other Fed Government departments are doing with respect to this security breech..

Get your tin foil hats on guys the NSA have know about this for a couple of years and are being asked questions.
I did read that article.

It mentioned US and UK law, and was pretty vague on both of them. No Canadian reference whatsoever.

I remain unconvinced.

In Canada it is illegal to scan for security vulnerabilities without the consent of the system owner. Don't know the specific law, but they were very clear on this when I studied security.
When I used to drink and do drugs I was also afraid of the internet and every website I visited.
The online banking angle kinda sucks (and any online financial transaction for that matter). Same deal with countles businesses using SSL for email, and remote administrators. The scope is a lil bit larger than facebook, some one off website, forum or blog...
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