Another Beautiful SKS from Westrifle!


CGN Ultra frequent flyer
Surrey B.C.
Just got this from Al,

Exactly what I requested. Red Lam with a gold bayonet, and Lam hand guard.
I have been waiting for about a year for one like this to show up. If you are on the fence about getting one of these, I wouldn't wait too much longer.
This one is a perfect '56 Izzy, unrefurbished.
A nice addition to my red collection.
Thanks Al!
Also unrefurb Izzy's would have a hardwood stock not laminate. The laminates didn't come into existence for the SKS till after the Ishevsk stopped production of the SKS.
If your rifle is a 56, it should have a blank receiver cover, and a star like this on the side of the receiver.

I think it's a K. Thanks for the info.

Looks good. Westrifle sells quality.
Is the action/barrel tight in the stock? I bought my 1st SKS online from another vendor, and it was quite loose in the laminate stock...had to go buy a Tapco to replace it.
Thanx for posting pics of this rifle. Also how do people know when Izhevsk stop producing Sks. I just want to know where people get info.
that laminated stock is really nice. great find. can you add a photo of the left side receiver/serial number and the top of the dust cover?
He told me my 1949 he sold me with a Chinese spike..that its a Russian spike and insists that its Russian.Go figure. Guess he will say whatever to make a sale or refuse a return/refund. Terrible customer service. Never again. I even tried to negotiate a price reduction or just send me a Rusky blade bayo to put on it. Now he ignores all emails.

I sent him a PM telling him it was a Chinese bayo on a russian 49 when it was still listed on his site. He refuted it and I wasn't about to argue it.

So he knew, or was told as much before he completed the sale. Either didn't want to believe it, or decided not to believe it.
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