
Don Kael

CGN frequent flyer
Hi Johnone/two, couple of questions, feel free to answer at your leisure.

1. Anything on the Korean Garand front? Is it happening at all yes/no? Don't care so much for a time frame, I can be patient for inexpensive Garands.

2. Anything coming out of Serbia/Croatia/former Yugoslavia anymore, or have I missed the train? Would be cool to have a M59/M48 combo deal.

Don Kael,

1 - No news on this front, sorry

2 - Concerning Serbia/Croatia/former Yugoslavia, we have pretty much picked these places dry of all surplus firearms, but if we find more I will let you know.
Hi Johnone/two, couple of questions, feel free to answer at your leisure.

1. Anything on the Korean Garand front? Is it happening at all yes/no? Don't care so much for a time frame, I can be patient for inexpensive Garands.

2. Anything coming out of Serbia/Croatia/former Yugoslavia anymore, or have I missed the train? Would be cool to have a M59/M48 combo deal.

Sorry but no comment on the Korean front
All of the high grade surplus has been removed from the former Yugoslavia by Marstar over the past 25 years, over 750,000 firearms.
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