My first order!!


New member
Just received the Recovers I ordered from Zahal, and I am very happy with your service. The product shipped fast, the price was excellent and the the customer service was great!!! I will be ordering a holster from you in the near future!!! I hope you have a Fobus Left hand holster for my Recovered 1911!!!!

Thanks for the GREAT service!!!

How long did it take you to receive your order? I just placed my first order too last week and am trying to figure out approximately how long it will take to get to Canada, I honestly don't expect to see it to enter Canada for another 3-4 weeks and then another week, week and a half for it to actually get to me on the west coast.

That's good to hear, thanks. I'm lucky if I get my orders from Canada within 9 days, that's pretty impressive coming all the way from Israel within 9 days. And no I don't live in the middle of nowhere BC, but Victoria, so I consider it a major metropolitan area.
My order took 16 travel days to reach my home in BC which really isn't too bad considering where it's coming from. Shipped on July 7th, showed up at my door on the 22nd comes out to 12 business days. My rifle from Ontario took 9 business days, so for my Zahl order to take an extra 3 business days and travel an additional 7000km seems pretty reasonable to me. I know once Zahl ships it, it's out of their control, but I'm pretty impressed that they had it out their door 2 days after I placed the order so I've got no complaints with them, I know where all my extra dollars are going now.
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