Who are we? Trip to the Frontlines


Business Member
If you watch the news you might have heard how things are a little rough over here in Israel right now.

The IDF is mobilizing, and the cities are taking rocket fire all too regularly.

So we put together a plan here in the office to do a trip down to the frontline and deliver pizzas to the guys on the pointy end.

Here's a snapshot of all of us together on top of a Merkava tank.

Our offices are less than an hour from the frontline. And a snapshot of the pizza itself of course:

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Those tanks are impressive. I remember seein a documentary on the top 10 tanks and this was up there. Armor is impressive and a little sand doesn't effect it whatsoever. I would love pizza if I was on the front.
Supporting your good folks of your military, such a beautiful thing.

As mentioned in previous posts, keep up the great service!.
Keep up the good work. Very nice to see a company who unselfishly supports their troops. Now all they need is beer to go with that pizza.
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