Order Status updates?

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May I PLEASE hear from you with your suggestions and solutions.... I assume you are a long experienced and well versed individual in the firearms business and as such would welcome your input.

I'm not looking for a fight. I'm just saying what makes the firearms business so different from any other internet business that it doesn't have to adhere to a reasonable level of efficiency in dealing with customer orders? Lots of other online companies do it...why can't you? As for the "closing for lunch" thing it certainly strikes me as unusual but hey, to each his own. It's just that I'm not aware of any other commercial operations that follow that routine....maybe staggered lunch hours?
Here we go again, every time we run specials we get behind, but I will repeat it again, the size of the order has nothing to do with processing, each order is completed in the same sequence as received....
I agree it is NOT rocket science, but I would be curious to know how many orders your other shop had ahead ?? Mrastar has an average of several hundred....
If you do have some suggestions we woud be pleased to hear them....

If you are expecting to be unusally busy because of a sale I'd say that prudent planning would suggest arranging for either extra staff or overtime to handle the anticipated backlog.
This is the business forum for the business to answer customers' inquiries and advertise their products. This is not a forum for anyone to lecture a business owner how he/she chooses to run the business, ie, how much lunch time and when they want to close shop for the working day. This is NOYB, and the business can do whatever they want.

I have deleted postings and infracted posters who were trying to pick a fight here. One person has been kicked out of the site by the infraction system due to repeated forum rule violations. We will not tolerate disrespectful and disruptive behaviours.
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