Zrak Scope mounts and Scopes


CGN frequent flyer

This is the official webpage of Zrak that makes the real mounts and scopes for the yugo mausers. as Marstar has past experience in dealing with firearms/accessories importation from the former yugoslav republics would it be possible for you guys to source m48 scope mounts and scopes from the company directly? i am very interested in mounting an authentic zrak scope and mount to my m48 mauser :D
I got mine from eBay 6-7 years ago..early versions are the best

is there a major difference between the earlier stuff and new production? ( im not interested for collector value , just want a scope so i can shoot farther) id rather put an authentic zrak scope on it preferably
I had heard that they had stopped importing years ago. I don't think the factory in Bosnia produces them..if they do they haven't been doing so in our market. You could get a Russian one that is very similar..
Last I heard the business went up in smoke when the Serbs thought it was a good idea to shell Sarajevo during the war, shortly after that the Serbs got shelled out of the former Yugoslavia which is now rightfully the independent state of croatia
Not too sure if they have rebuilt the business....? The old website has a telephone number and e-mail maybe you can try that ?
i have family back home in republika srpska, ill give them a call and see if they can find out if they are still around or not
I heard the new Zrak stuff is not the greatest and the quality went down after the breakup of the Former Jugoslavija. I would recommend ebay as your best bet thats where I got my ZRAK mount and M76 scope
I have scored a few ZRAK items over the last year.

x2 early production high pivot mounts (one mounted on a Yugo K98, one to be mounted on a M48)
x1 late production high pivot mounts
x1 late production low pivot mounts
x1 early production low Mount70
x1 late production high Mount70

x2 ON-M76B (one with fine, and one with thick crosshairs)
x1 ON-2L
x1 4x32N
x1 6x42N (mounted on a K98)

Missed out on a ON-M93 with a 7.9 BDC... The seller wanted $1000 for it. I should have just bought it looking back at it now.

Watch eBay like a hawk. Guys who sell them are risking fines because it's illegal to export these from the Balkans so they tend to charge a premium of domestic prices. Importing from the states is roughly the same cost, just no paper work with eBay items.
What's the current value of Zrak scopes and mounts?

Zrak ON 76 (A and B) and M-76 mount
Zrak ON-2 scope and mount for Yugo M69 sniper rifle
Yugo PU TOS 52 scope
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