New Arrivals: Mosin Nagant M91/30 Rifles in 7.62x54R

How much is shipping to BC?
Free if you get a case of ammo :) if not then 25$
This is from their site
Shipping fee for 1 firearm is $25.00 from coast to coast. This includes insurance and signature requirement. Any additional firearm on the same order will be an additional $10 shipping fee (ex: 2 guns = $35.00, 3 guns= $45.00 etc). Other items will be charged actual shipping. we do not charge any handling fees at this time. PLEASE NOTE: If ordering online, shipping charges listed in the shopping cart may be exagerated when ordering several parts and accessories. Actual shipping costs will be less then indicated.
Do you have any M38 or M44s in stock?

I would check myself, but all "Weapon" related sites are blocked by my work Proxy server.


Do you sell Mosin Nagant PU Sniper as well? This is really the model I'm looking for.

Thank you.
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