Health & personal issues at S&J


CGN Ultra frequent flyer
Business Member
Rating - 97.2%
610   18   5
East ontario
As many of our Clients and friends know, I have some major health related issues that have been ongoing for years, one of the many reasons my part of the S&J company involves mostly working from home and or from one of our 2 small shops where we make our products and build our custom finished guns.
The last few years have been very rough for me , but i,m not dead yet.
It was only last week I was joking that I,d try and go a whole year without being admitted to the ER .
It would seem I jinxed myself.
After 10hrs of test , I am back home.
We have a good team here and hope to keep things running as smooth as poss over the next few weeks, but at this time, i,m banned from driving.
We are also moving on the 16,th 17th so com,s may not be a good as normal.

As always please send your request to or 613 921 4041
Please support your local dealers.
As a quad in a wheelchair I know all about health issues. We have a running bet to see how many months I can go with out a visit to the er. Hang in there and hope what ever is wrong can be kick in the ass. Us crazy gunnuts will not go crazyer if you need time to get better. Your contrabutions to the hobby are greatly appreciated. It would be a loss if you left the play ground to early. Remember family first, then friends and last is work.Get better soon.
Cheers Brent
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