Full auto PPSH-41

or complain to oil companies that they cant use formula 1 in their ad .

disclaimer, your mileage may vary ,lol .

Then I intend to pen a letter to Top Gear and demand that they stop racing their high performance cars on race tracks and abandoned airstrips, when they know damn well the average driver can't hope to legally attain those speeds on the roadways.
Okay, just to clarify what I meant guys, I did not mean have at the begining of each video, a Disclaimer in the sense of "warning: the following video you are about to see contains images of the following: guns, bullets, violence, and a dirt back stop being chewed up by full auto fire and binary explosives."

That does not help anything.

What I was trying to say is it would likely be beneficial to take 10 seconds at the start or at the end of the vid to clarify what is going on and how it is legal in canada given the social climate and stigmas revolving around firearms.

It is possible to be fun and educational at the same time contrary to popular belief here.

All that one would need to say is something along the lines of "What your about to see here is all legal for us, we are properly trained and certified and this is our privately owned, government approved range that has been certified for prohibited firearms and devices not available to the general public in Canada."

This would solve alot of potential issues withvery minimal effort. You could even just have it annotated into the video. Its not big deal if you do do it, but it can be if you dont do it. If a member of the general public sees that and doesn't know the laws, thier opinion may be swayed in the wrong direction. We need to help our cause, not damage it. IMAGE is EVERYTHING. People take stuff at face value now days without questioning and digging deeper to learn like they should.
What I was trying to say is it would likely be beneficial to take 10 seconds at the start or at the end of the vid to clarify what is going on and how it is legal in canada given the social climate and stigmas revolving around firearms.
....All that one would need to say is something along the lines of "What your about to see here is all legal for us, we are properly trained and certified and this is our privately owned, government approved range that has been certified for prohibited firearms and devices not available to the general public in Canada."

On their "About" page on youtube it does say:
From YouTube Page said:
Marstar Canada is a Canadian firearms dealer, serving collectors, competitors, dealers, movie production, museums, police forces, and military forces all over the world since 1984.
Not only do we have a very vast collection of unique and interesting firearms but we are lucky enough to have special licenses which allow us to own full auto firearms and use them on our private range.

Or for example in their Full Auto Tavor video the video description says:
Please note we are fully licensed for standard capacity mags and select fire rifles.

Or like this disclaimer within the video that says "Marstar is Fully Licensed For This Firearm"

I think they just missed adding the disclaimer to the video in question. It would be easy enough for them to edit the description of the video if they so chose to, no need to edit the video in anyway.
DiMP, you seemingly failed to read in full my post. Here is the section you left out. Mainly the bolded end.
This would solve alot of potential issues withvery minimal effort. You could even just have it annotated into the video. Its not big deal if you do do it, but it can be if you dont do it. If a member of the general public sees that and doesn't know the laws, thier opinion may be swayed in the wrong direction. We need to help our cause, not damage it. IMAGE is EVERYTHING. People take stuff at face value now days without questioning and digging deeper to learn like they should.

Unfortunately most people do not dig for the info. They take it at face value. So if you are upfront it cant become twisted to those that don't understand. Its not going to stop the antis, but it might not scare off the fence sitters at least then
To what extent could an individual start a firearms business, acquire a "special" full auto firearms licenses, and "test" their firearms at their private range every weekend?

I've always wondered. Are full auto licenses for dealers grandfathered as well?
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