Wolverine Supplies YouTube channel

Grumpy Wolverine

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For those of you who are interested, Wolverine Supplies does have a Youtube channel.
We got off to a slow start with it but we have been working hard on rectifying that and will continue to do so in the future.

Here is a link to the channel.

If you have ideas for videos you would like to see, or products you would like us to show/discuss, we would love to hear from you.
It doesn't have to be on the newest or latest either. Got something from the past you'd like to see?
You can either post it in here or email me at grumpy@wolverinesupplies.com and we will do our best to accommodate you (within reason.....just saying...)

Don't forget to like us on Facebook as well!

Constructive (please look that up if you are unsure exactly what it means) feedback is always appreciated!
Good vids. I would love to see a vid of what you guys have for AI rifles. The new stuff, and any old gems you may have around the shop.

Definitely don't sign up for ads. Just ask yourself this question: are you putting the videos up for the purpose of making a few dollars on adds? (or a few hundred, a few thousand, etc?) No, you are not. You are in the business of selling guns, not creating content for advertisers. I have 414 subscribers and over 2.1 million views on my channel (Ghostie604) and that is all without adds, no bullsh!t, and no fake-expert preaching. I just show the guns. That's all people are interested in anyway. If people have adds all over their stuff, I usually go somewhere else in a hurry. I have money. I don't need to clog up my hobby shooting channel with lame adds for natural gas pipeline propaganda and the like.

With the level of traffic you are showing (a little over 30,000 views in 2.5 years) you are talking PENNIES (literally) in add revenue. Just do it for your customers - the Canadian gun buying public.
Very Kewl ... Love the vids !
I am specifically looking at the Thunderbolt Stainless. I am in research mode at the moment for 1911's. I may have a few more questions for you later.

Here Here ... No .. No.. do not sign up for ads ... I think it is more valuable to your customers in the long run as an information basis only. Also it's a valuable sales tool. Why get into ads that interfere with your own target market or even a different one ? I think I speak for the majority of our members and think ads need not be added (Lol ... That got a play on words .. )
Me personally I like to stick to and view just the facts. You have done that well in the videos. I do not want any extras.

In other words, keep the trend your going on !

Rj :)
I am pretty sure we have no intentions of putting ads on the channel. They annoy the crap out of me when I go to someone's channel and I have to wait for an ad on something I really couldn't give a rat's raggedy patoot about.
I think there will be an AI video in the near future or maybe a couple depending on what we do with it.
Keep the ideas coming!
Awesome ... Good to hear and Glad your on our side !
Very much agreed.

Mr. Grumpy Expect some conference in the next few days.

Rj :D
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