NCStar quad rail pricematch

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I applaud your intuitive idea but I dunno man. This year I've donated $45 + $400 to an organization who's members routinely call me a traitor, coward and idiot. I have donation fatigue heh
Besides I already own the IR flag, plus there's history on it! It would look great on a CIRAS or SORD rig. Or even UTG :) They sell for like $25.
Honestly no one cares what you buy or don't buy.
So why are you here? I don't expect you to care, my thread was addressed to a dealer in their section, for which they pay.

All your questions were answered.
No, not the second one, as already pointed out.

99% sure you won't buy marstar and again don't care
So again, why are you here?

And no it's a forum on the internet, can't mind our own business
You just said you didn't care, now you say you can't mind your own business, which one is it?
Pretty vocal for someone who doesn't give a #### about my thread and my questions.
Seems like folks like to hang their dirty laundry in public but gets upset when you comment on the pink underwear; gonna luv the internet and folks with too much time. Go fishing.
Thanks for supervising my purchasing decisions, mom. Now seeing you are running out of arguments to try and discredit the existence of my thread, you should really just move on to something else.

Hate to burst your little bubble, but anyone can make any comments they like as long as they stay within the guidelines. You don't have the authority to tell anyone to do anything on this forum. :)
Waiting for the official answer/ to confirm that you won't purchase/wondering why you are so upset
So why are you here? I don't expect you to care, my thread was addressed to a dealer in their section, for which they pay.

No, not the second one, as already pointed out.

So again, why are you here?

You just said you didn't care, now you say you can't mind your own business, which one is it?
Pretty vocal for someone who doesn't give a #### about my thread and my questions.
Hate to burst your little bubble, but anyone can make any comments they like as long as they stay within the guidelines. You don't have the authority to tell anyone to do anything on this forum. :)

See post #21.

I don't give a rats ass about anyone's opinion of my thread. I am asking a question to Marstar and created a thread in their paid section to inquire about a HUGE price difference for a seemingly identical item.
If you want to be part of the conversation, then you should contribute something that is relevant to my inquiry. Otherwise, I'm telling you you're losing your time. And yes, i guess you are free to do just that. Why you would want to is anyone's guess.

Does that compute?
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See post #21.

I don't give a rats ass about anyone's opinion of my thread. I am asking a question to Marstar and created a thread in their paid section to inquire about a HUGE price difference for a seemingly identical item.
If you want to be part of the conversation, then you should contribute something that is relevant to my inquiry. Otherwise, I'm telling you you're losing your time. And yes, i guess you are free to do just that. Why you would want to is anyone's guess.

Does that compute?

For someone who doesn't give a rat's ass, you sure have a strong need to make a big deal out of telling everyone you don't care.

Does that compute? LOL
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For someone who doesn't give a rat's ass, you sure have a strong need to make a big deal out of telling everyone you don't care.

Does that compute? LOL

He repeats, he does. not. care. When will you get it through your thick skull?!!?!? :HR: :) On topic, I once asked Marstar for a price match against Lever telling them I would rather buy from Marstar. I took their non-reply as a no and 'moved on.' Time for an epic thread I suppose.
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