M1 Garand Clinic CFB Petawawa 30 Nov 2014 DeBrief HERE!


CGN Ultra frequent flyer
Georgian Bay, ON
It's official, my first M1 Garand Clinic (after 46 M14 clinics, ha ha ha ha) in Petawawa. The M1 Garand is the grand daddy of the M14 and I've competed with M1 Garands for years and always in .308; interpret that as "I had to do my own barrel replacements."

AND YES, we will rebarrel or install your .30-06 Government issued barrel if you bring your build parts! :D

And YES, I am allowing the M14 and M1A rifles to come along and play and learn... I can multitask.

So if you have a receiver and a barrel to put together, we can make this happen for you at this clinic. I have all the tools. I can even install your .308 Win chambered barrel and then finish ream that chamber and then you test fire at Yankee Range on Sunday. How awesome is this clinic gonna be? :)

Warning: I've just been reminded that the CFB Petawawa's Range Standing Orders only allow .308 ammo on their ranges and that includes Yankee Range. Sorry No discussion is allowed nor will it be entertained. It's their range and we have to respect it. ONLY .308 (M14's, M305's, and .308 M1 Garands) are allowed to be shot. So plan accordingly for Sunday's practice.


CFB Petawawa, ON, Base Firehall Storage building (parking lot is where we always meet for the other clinics)


ONLY Sunday, Nov 30th 2014. We got bumped off the Yankee Range, so it's only a single day clinic


$ 80 for the weekend NOW $40 for the Single Sunday 30 Nov 2014


Gather for 0830
Casual Start at 0900
Ending at 1600

Registration and Payment:

EMT the $40 to me with this information:

Name: Tactical Teacher
Question: What was your OLD CGN handle? I was not always tacticateacher, you know. :D
Answer: hungry (low caps, no spaces) that way I cannot screw things up
Email: hungry556 AT rogers.com

What is involved:

- Tools for tweaking, tools to avoid, tools that are nice to have but expensive, tools that are overrated and too expensive
- Gadgets that are nice to have, need to have, and useless to have (but I had to buy it to show you)
- Tools that you can make yourself instead of buying, tools that you can have buddies (owe you favors) make up for you
- Stripping the boomstick (you will be surprised at what I can show you)
- YES we will pull your rear sights apart, and then get serious with them
- Assembling the boomstick, and what to look for so that worthwhile tweaks can be or should be made
- Tweaks that work, tweaks that don't work, expensive tweaks so yer #### does not fall off
- Useless tweaks unless you have more money than shooting ability (many stories to follow at the clinic)
- Common pitfalls, expensive tweaks that work, more ways to ensure that yer #### don't fall off
- Lunch and then tweaking in the afternoon to tighten up your prized M1 Garand
- Lots of networking and socializing all the time. This is priceless.
- I am set up to install your USGI or Government .30-06 barrel, no finish chambering needed.
- I am set up to install your .308 Win barrel on your receiver and then FINISH Chamber, then you test fire at BRRC in the afternoon

Things to bring for Day 1:

* Your M1 Garand rifle or receiver(s) with barrel(s) to be installed
* Notebook, pens, digital camera, rags,
* Ball peen hammer, Allen keys SAE since this ain't an M14 clinic (well sort of)
* Punches, screwdrivers, more punches
* Plastic or rubber mallet, wood block or 2
* Masking tape, duct tape

Warning: I've just been reminded that the CFB Petawawa's Range Standing Orders only allow .308 ammo on their ranges and that includes Yankee Range. Sorry No discussion is allowed nor will it be entertained. It's their range and we have to respect it. ONLY .308 (M14's, M305's, and .308 M1 Garands) are allowed to be shot. So plan accordingly for Sunday's practice. Well, we ain't shooting anymore so this directive is irrelevant...

Questions? Post them right here in this forum! Questions about the .30-06 Ban? PM me!

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Verbal abuse laced with firearms related knowledge! This makes the coming of winter slightly less depressing!

Any one on the fence on this one should go. It will be worth it and then some. Thump___r and my self are in.

Barney, you will have your cash tonight!
I was just reviewing the Range Control Standing Orders.

It seems we are not allowed to shoot .30-06 there. We can only shoot .308 or 556. So just a warning to the .30-06 shooters, you might want to either bring your M14 or M305 or .308 M1

The consequences are not worth the practice so we are warned. It's their range and I have to respect it.

We are guests on their ranges with their rules that we must abide by.

Enough said!

Cheers, Barney.
Good news.

Pacific Tool and Gauge had a 30-06 pull through reamer with drive rod and bushing on the shelf.
Hopefully my Criterion barrel will make it here on time.
Next on the list is a set of Go, No Go gauges and maybe a bolt disassembly tool.
Latest update this evening.....

1930 hrs right now and finishing up the dinner cleaning process.

We are bumped off the Yankee Range on Sunday. We can only do the ONE day M1 / M14 clinic on the Sunday 30 Nov. I will go and change the first post and it's dates. Having been the Precision (read: sniper) Rifle Match Director for the ORA matches shot at Base Borden, I am used to working with Range Control and their booking sequences / procedures. It's their range, and we have to work with what we got! :D

We can discuss the refunds at the clinic or I can EMT you right away.

Cheers and thanks.

Good news.

Pacific Tool and Gauge had a 30-06 pull through reamer with drive rod and bushing on the shelf.
Hopefully my Criterion barrel will make it here on time.
Next on the list is a set of Go, No Go gauges and maybe a bolt disassembly tool.

I have a bolt disassembly tool you can borrow ...
Both the PTG pull through reamer and the Criterion barrel have arrived on schedule.
All that is missing now is a set of Go, No-Go gauges..
So ah......with this recent development.......how does the airforce test fire/qualify with their Ruger 30-06 bolt action survival rifles???

Maybe they cannot use the CFB Petawawa ranges? Maybe they use the HMG range only?

Nice, just came across this by chance, registration still open? EMT inbound!

Yes we still have vacancies...if anyone needs directions or other local info let me know . We will be meeting on base at 0830 at bldg P-141 which is located across the street from the firehall.Its a large white 5 bay garage.Due to recent events there is acheck stop at the maingate and you will need to produce identification to get on base.
Yes we still have vacancies...if anyone needs directions or other local info let me know . We will be meeting on base at 0830 at bldg P-141 which is located across the street from the firehall.Its a large white 5 bay garage.Due to recent events there is acheck stop at the maingate and you will need to produce identification to get on base.

I would also refrain from mentioning you know Chalkriver, you may be turned away.
Thanks, I'm registered.

I'm going to need directions, I can not find building 141 on the base map: http://www.cg.cfpsa.ca/cg-pc/Petawawa/EN/Facilities/Documents/BaseMap.pdf

When going through the main gate do I need to declare I have firearms?

Any problem bringing DA or IVI ammo on base?

I'll be bringing:
-complete 1950's Springfield M1
-a criterion .308 barrel to mount on one of 5 receivers (have not decided which one to use yet), and all parts to make up a complete rifle.
-maybe norinco m-14

Yes we still have vacancies...if anyone needs directions or other local info let me know . We will be meeting on base at 0830 at bldg P-141 which is located across the street from the firehall.Its a large white 5 bay garage.Due to recent events there is acheck stop at the maingate and you will need to produce identification to get on base.
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