Blue Force Gear shipment

Unfortunately not.

There is a bunch of stuff we need to order that sold out while waiting for this one to arrive.
Darren - did you receive some Micro Rack in Wolf, size Large?

Looking at putting together a smaller size chest rig together - I need something along the size of the Haley Str. CR when it's all put together. If you don't I noticed that you have the RACKminus (wolf) for sale right now as well, slightly bigger, but still a solid deal.
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No worries. After we spoke this morning I orderws the RackMinus along with all the pouches I wanted in Wolf (#3450)

Will be keeping an eye out for when you received the small admin pouches in Wolf as well. At that point I'll get the Trauma Kit NOW as well for another kit.



I can pretty much guarantee that one of my terrier mutt can go through one of them in no time.

Just ask the basketball she was given. It took 30-40seconds and the darn thing was deflated, another 2mins and it was in 5 pieces.

Now mind you, I’m not about to try it with the $200 order of Helium Whisper that’s waiting for me at home!
But but but...that's not a triple-locked, 20mm thick, motar shell resistant carrying case for that AR.


NO trigger lock.

THINK OF THE WOMEN AND CHILDREN FOR GOD'S SAKES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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