Dlask Arms: Taking Orders for Serbu .50 Caliber Rifles

Dlask Arms

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Delta, BC
So we are just in the process of ordering a few Serbu BMG-50A rifles for customers. If you have always wanted one now is the time to order. Delivery should be within a month of payment. As a bonus they have a sale on spare mags on now as well.

50% down payment is required per rifle ordered. Cost is $8700 Cdn.+ tax.

This offer will end this Friday, November 7/14.

Dlask Arms Corp.
Where do things stand with all the issues people had with first batch, failure to feed, cycle etc. there are plenty of posts at the time including Serbu'so lack of solution. Not trying to be a pain, but I was on original list way back and cancelled due to this. No one wants to risk $9k for a semi auto that doesn't work due to cdn ammo or whatever excuse and have to go to gunsmiths to alter such an expensive toy
Where do things stand with all the issues people had with first batch, failure to feed, cycle etc. there are plenty of posts at the time including Serbu'so lack of solution. Not trying to be a pain, but I was on original list way back and cancelled due to this. No one wants to risk $9k for a semi auto that doesn't work due to cdn ammo or whatever excuse and have to go to gunsmiths to alter such an expensive toy

As far as we are aware there are no more issues. We are also spending our money to buy some if that helps ease your mind.

Dlask Arms Corp.
Just a quick update, Serbu BMG-50A's have left Florida and will be to us by next week. Just like the DTA's we bought these when the dollar wasn't as bad as it is now, and at 2014 prices ! We also have spare magazines for each rifle.

Dlask Arms Corp.
Where do things stand with all the issues people had with first batch, failure to feed, cycle etc. there are plenty of posts at the time including Serbu'so lack of solution. Not trying to be a pain, but I was on original list way back and cancelled due to this. No one wants to risk $9k for a semi auto that doesn't work due to cdn ammo or whatever excuse and have to go to gunsmiths to alter such an expensive toy[/QUOTE

I bought one, from Dlask over a year ago, still does not cycle. I got 0 support from Dlask and ended up working directly with Serbu to replace the bolt, spring, firing pin and lots of other stuff. Oh ya and I waited months at a time for parts to come from across the border. Don't walk, run from this rifle....
DDurckovic , you say you got 0 support from Dlask , hmm believable
Trying to deal with them about a Derya issue
Been going on 3 weeks Leigh since you said you'd talk to Joe and call me back - still waiting for that call
DDurckovic , you say you got 0 support from Dlask , hmm believable
Trying to deal with them about a Derya issue
Been going on 3 weeks Leigh since you said you'd talk to Joe and call me back - still waiting for that call

We read your slamming, derogatory post written here not 2 minutes after I hung up the phone, and before I even had a chance to talk to him. Any idea why I didn't call you ?

This thread is about Serbu firearms. Keep on the topic or be deleted.
Where do things stand with all the issues people had with first batch, failure to feed, cycle etc. there are plenty of posts at the time including Serbu'so lack of solution. Not trying to be a pain, but I was on original list way back and cancelled due to this. No one wants to risk $9k for a semi auto that doesn't work due to cdn ammo or whatever excuse and have to go to gunsmiths to alter such an expensive toy[/QUOTE

I bought one, from Dlask over a year ago, still does not cycle. I got 0 support from Dlask and ended up working directly with Serbu to replace the bolt, spring, firing pin and lots of other stuff. Oh ya and I waited months at a time for parts to come from across the border. Don't walk, run from this rifle....

Not sure if you bought this from Dlask Arms or Dead Zombies but we haven't seen one since I have worked here, almost 2 years now. Mark at Serbu is doing his best to make sure we, and our Canadian customers, will have a full service warranty center on this side of the border. If you own a Serbu and need parts or warranty just call me at the shop and I will sort it out. We do the same for all of the firearms we sell. It breaks, we fix it.

Dlask Arms Corp.
I also have been having this feeding issue... I really want to fix this. I thought It was the mags... Can i give you guys a call to get the buy the right parts?
if Ddurckovic,,says to run away from this Serbu,,you can be garanteed it's a fact,,,i have known the man for years,,and trust me when i say,,this guy doesn't cut corners on ANY of his toys,,if this Serbu dont work for ####,,and service from the original seller has been nil...i take him at his word,,,too bad too,,i was seriously thinking about a Serbu,,,for a 50 cal toy,,,i guess the Barrett truly is the best,,,but we can't have one here,,LOL...
Not sure if you bought this from Dlask Arms or Dead Zombies but we haven't seen one since I have worked here, almost 2 years now. Mark at Serbu is doing his best to make sure we, and our Canadian customers, will have a full service warranty center on this side of the border. If you own a Serbu and need parts or warranty just call me at the shop and I will sort it out. We do the same for all of the firearms we sell. It breaks, we fix it.

Dlask Arms Corp.

So DLASK has or had no affiliation with Dead Zombies? Mine was the second or third in the country remember, you guys where going to give me a free DLASK 10/22 receiver if I would give up my rifle for a movie company you where working with at the time.

So when I call DLASK do I ask for Liegh?
So DLASK has or had no affiliation with Dead Zombies? Mine was the second or third in the country remember, you guys where going to give me a free DLASK 10/22 receiver if I would give up my rifle for a movie company you where working with at the time.

So when I call DLASK do I ask for Liegh?

It's funny but there are so many rumours out there about who and what is Dead Zombies. It would seem like everyone knows Joe's life and personal business better than he does. Truth is, and trust me when I say this, Joe was a minority investor that got royally scr***ed because when the main person started screwing people nobody knew his real name and therefore had no way to vent. Joe just happened to be the only guy in the business that had a recognizable name. So he took the abuse and himself ran away from the other person as fast as he could at a severe personal and business expense.

As a company Dlask Arms Corp. was never formally linked to Dead Zombies. Period. Joe is the founder of Dlask Arms and has been the sole proprietor since 1989. He has helped more people with seemingly 'unsolvable' problems than anyone you will ever meet. Every day we get calls and emails from people across the country that don't know where to turn and need help with some obscure gun problem or other. They call us because they know ,or have heard through the grapevine, that Joe will help them.

Now, as for any Serbu problems, I have no problem helping people out. I will spend my time and energy to get tech questions answered and parts obtained as far as I can. If you have an issue with one you can call me at the shop during business hours and I will do what I can to help you get it up and running smoothly. That's it. That's all I can do. But with Serbu looking at selling more into Canada he has the incentive to himself help as much as possible.

Yes, my name is Leigh and if I don't answer the phone just ask for me. The shop is open M-F, 8-4, F 8-3:30, GMT-8.

And just so you know, Serbu, like most companies, constantly evolve and refine their products. Mark is a damn smart fellow and a self made man. His company feeds himself and his family and a bad product in the 'States doesn't last long. We would not have dropped the coin to buy them if the reviews from the largest shooting gallery (the USA) weren't favorable about them.

Dlask Arms Corp.
It's funny but there are so many rumours out there about who and what is Dead Zombies. It would seem like everyone knows Joe's life and personal business better than he does. Truth is, and trust me when I say this, Joe was a minority investor that got royally scr***ed because when the main person started screwing people nobody knew his real name and therefore had no way to vent. Joe just happened to be the only guy in the business that had a recognizable name. So he took the abuse and himself ran away from the other person as fast as he could at a severe personal and business expense.

As a company Dlask Arms Corp. was never formally linked to Dead Zombies. Period. Joe is the founder of Dlask Arms and has been the sole proprietor since 1989. He has helped more people with seemingly 'unsolvable' problems than anyone you will ever meet. Every day we get calls and emails from people across the country that don't know where to turn and need help with some obscure gun problem or other. They call us because they know ,or have heard through the grapevine, that Joe will help them.

Now, as for any Serbu problems, I have no problem helping people out. I will spend my time and energy to get tech questions answered and parts obtained as far as I can. If you have an issue with one you can call me at the shop during business hours and I will do what I can to help you get it up and running smoothly. That's it. That's all I can do. But with Serbu looking at selling more into Canada he has the incentive to himself help as much as possible.

Yes, my name is Leigh and if I don't answer the phone just ask for me. The shop is open M-F, 8-4, F 8-3:30, GMT-8.

And just so you know, Serbu, like most companies, constantly evolve and refine their products. Mark is a damn smart fellow and a self made man. His company feeds himself and his family and a bad product in the 'States doesn't last long. We would not have dropped the coin to buy them if the reviews from the largest shooting gallery (the USA) weren't favorable about them.

Dlask Arms Corp.

This is a pretty smoke and mirrors response.

Both Joe and Leigh where involved with dead zombie or Ice tactical or whatever the company name was that week. It's always been an on going issue that Joe connects himself to the wrong people or takes on Way to much and gets overwhelmed with work, but blaming your companies short comings on a mystery investor and attempting to pull the wool over the publics eyes is a further testament to the issues going on. I'm getting pretty tired of seeing threads complaining about dlask/blueline/dead zombie/ice tactical and hearing dlask response of "well it was kind of us, but the real problems came from the mysterious investor we will not name". You guys are the names and faces of whatever company you bake up, changing the name regularly doesn't get you a clean slate or negate your previous short comings.
This is a pretty smoke and mirrors response.

Both Joe and Leigh where involved with dead zombie or Ice tactical or whatever the company name was that week. It's always been an on going issue that Joe connects himself to the wrong people or takes on Way to much and gets overwhelmed with work, but blaming your companies short comings on a mystery investor and attempting to pull the wool over the publics eyes is a further testament to the issues going on. I'm getting pretty tired of seeing threads complaining about dlask/blueline/dead zombie/ice tactical and hearing dlask response of "well it was kind of us, but the real problems came from the mysterious investor we will not name". You guys are the names and faces of whatever company you bake up, changing the name regularly doesn't get you a clean slate or negate your previous short comings.

Annnnd, just another case of :

"It's funny but there are so many rumours out there about who and what is Dead Zombies. It would seem like everyone knows Joe's life and personal business better than he does."

Sorry lil-juiced-coupe but you don't know what you are talking about.I didn't even work here when the Dead Zombies thing happened. And as far as the "mysterious investor", he's not so mysterious. He was banned from this forum. I would happily name him but I don't feel like having to defend myself against a defamation suit.

Maybe you should stick to posting about the thread topic ?

Dlask Arms Corp.
is there no way to get Barretts semi or someone else's PROVEN semi auto .50...that way Canadians don't have to be Serbu's guiny pigs for testing their unreliable stuff,,i mean,,that's some serious money to drop down on basicaly a wall hanger that doesn't function..As for doing buisness with Dlask,,,i only did it once,,but they were nice and got my stuff sent in pretty good time,,so i can't complain there,,
It is interesting that dead zombies has come up, I actually just looked at my email and a person named Richard was the one replying. This was in Feb of 2013 and I had inquired about the serbu and the DTA HTI, anyways he said he was going to have the HTI in 4 weeks. As I was gathering funds I got an email about a week later saying that it was sold and he could order another. Anyways, I gave up as it just seemed flaky and the price I was quoted was rather high.

Many months later, closer to a year, I see an HTI on Dlask arms website as in stock. So I email and from what I was told it was the first one they have received and it took 8 months from the time of order. I kind of put 2and 2 together and figured since dead zombies was dead that this was the same rifle dead zombies Richard was going to have in "4 weeks" back in feb and was trying to sell it at a mark up and string me along till it arrived.

Anyways, I have done a decent amount of business with Dlask and they have been very good to deal with.
Annnnd, just another case of :

"It's funny but there are so many rumours out there about who and what is Dead Zombies. It would seem like everyone knows Joe's life and personal business better than he does."

Sorry lil-juiced-coupe but you don't know what you are talking about.I didn't even work here when the Dead Zombies thing happened. And as far as the "mysterious investor", he's not so mysterious. He was banned from this forum. I would happily name him but I don't feel like having to defend myself against a defamation suit.

Maybe you should stick to posting about the thread topic ?

Dlask Arms Corp.

Speaaaking of the thread topic... When will more Serbu's be coming??
So we are just in the process of ordering a few Serbu BMG-50A rifles for customers. If you have always wanted one now is the time to order. Delivery should be within a month of payment. As a bonus they have a sale on spare mags on now as well.

50% down payment is required per rifle ordered. Cost is $8700 Cdn.+ tax.

This offer will end this Friday, November 7/14.

Dlask Arms Corp.

Minor point, I hope, but you mean BFG-50A, right? (not "BMG-50A")
Speaaaking of the thread topic... When will more Serbu's be coming??

Just tracked with UPS, on schedule for Monday morning at our exporter 20 minutes south of us. Depending on his work load we expect to have them by mid next week.

Dlask Arms Corp.
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