Store That Handgun Safely....But At The Ready...

i use a biometric fingerprint safe for this purpose.

No wristband/RF or some other nonsense, just ur fingerprints. It will recognize every digit on ur hands, wife's, etc. You're not going to reach for an RF tag/card at 3am half awake and I'm certainly not wearing a wristband for the rest of my life. Big enough for my G17 and two mags (in case you gotta take down 20 zombies in the middle of the night haha). Just don't 'store' a mag in the grip and you should be alright.
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9v cell good for bout two yrs. Don't forget to replace. I test it every so often when insomnia hits, never fails. Comes with a steel cable so you can tether it to some anchor.
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Going off topic... But brief yourself on The Reid Technique. Every law abiding citizen should even if you'd never hurt a fly.
Hey peeps this is what I've got at home... Sorry got lazy and just pulled a Walmart link, but I bought mine some yrs ago directly from mfgr:

No wristband/RF or some other nonsense, just ur fingerprints. It will recognize every digit on ur hands, wife's, etc. You're not going to reach for an RF tag/card at 3am half awake and I'm certainly not wearing a wristband for the rest of my life. Big enough for my G17 and two mags (in case you gotta take down 20 zombies in the middle of the night haha). Just don't 'store' a mag in the grip and you should be alright.

Not to be an ass, but you posted an opposing product in a dealer forum advertising a product. Not cool. There is a thread on pistol safes for posting recommendations. Wolvering started this to advertise a special on products they carry.

And to point out, that Gunvault has like a million videos on how to break into it with a paper clip on Youtube. Junk.
First and foremost I don't like the law's on use and storage anymore than any law biding gun owner , I'm just saying it's a fact ,you will be charged ,you may get off ,but it will cost you every dime you have .Name one person who legitimately defended themselves with any gun that was not charged and dragged through the Canadian courts like a common criminal ?
Oh snap my bad I'm a noob. Thot the thread was about how to best access ur firearm in emergencies while staying within the confines of the law. Didn't realize it's a product placement my bad. I love wolverine personally, mail ordered lots from them.
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First and foremost I don't like the law's on use and storage anymore than any law biding gun owner , I'm just saying it's a fact ,you will be charged ,you may get off ,but it will cost you every dime you have .Name one person who legitimately defended themselves with any gun that was not charged and dragged through the Canadian courts like a common criminal ?

I hope no one is ever put in that situation of course, but personally I'd still shoot the perp before he rapes or kills you. Then call Peter Mansbridge and Johnny Cochran.
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What are these fairy tales of home defense? You will loose in any way. If intruder has a gun, he will win - you won't have a chance to pull and load your stored gun. If he has no gun then you applied excessive force and good luck with paying your lawer. You either dead or broke or jailed.

You better have baseball bat or bear spray - even that would give you troubles, but will be more effective against knife or bare hands which is most likely the case.

After all, Canada is a safe country. If you still fear of someone would brake in and rape you in the middle of the night, then simply think of moving into safer area. Because they might rape you when you walk on the dark street without your guns.

Those suffering paranoia: better set your home alarm overnight, setup Cctv - it will scare off most of intruders, unless they have an urgent goal to kill you in narcodealer wars.

Lastly, fire has much more chances to happen. I wonder how many of those hotly discussing HD ever had even one fire extinguisher in house, while keeping multiple guns for HD.

Have good and safe night. Hope you survive till morning.
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What are these fairy tales of home defense? You will loose in any way. If intruder has a gun, he will win - you won't have a chance to pull and load your stored gun. If he has no gun then you applied excessive force and good luck with paying your lawer. You either dead or broke or jailed.

You better have baseball bat or bear spray - even that would give you troubles, but will be more effective against knife or bare hands which is most likely the case.

After all, Canada is a safe country. If you still fear of someone would brake in and rape you in the middle of the night, then simply think of moving into safer area. Because they might rape you when you walk on the dark street without your guns.

Those suffering paranoia: better set your home alarm overnight, setup Cctv - it will scare off most of intruders, unless they have an urgent goal to kill you in narcodealer wars.

Lastly, fire has much more chances to happen. I wonder how many of those hotly discussing HD ever had even one fire extinguisher in house, while keeping multiple guns for HD.

Have good and safe night. Hope you survive till morning.

i have multiple fire extiguishers, and multiple firearms. I sleep rather soundly. Also the attack cat is pretty dangerous, i should put up a sign, he will trip you up.
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