M-16/AR-15 parts sets

Wondering if one day Wendy would let me drill the wrong hole? Wait, there goes lunch.
Actually I've found a use for all the ok to own but illegal to put in parts I've accumulated over the years. I'm going to tig them all together into some sort of scarry paperweight of evil and destruction.

An "Assault paperweight" !!!!
We just sold out of these parts kits

We have more expected for after the holidays

If you missed your chance at one, please sign up for notification to receive an e-mail when the product availability changes. We will give priority to those signed up when the next shipment arrives
OK John please explain
I ordered this item on dec 8th not long after you posted it here .
item was in stock . Item was added to cart , item was checked out . status showed new order received .
Dec 9 th my order status was changed to processing. Now today you send me an order update ( Unfortunately we have run out of stock on this product.) WTF?
LOL these didn't last long.

Ya but did anyone get one?
They posted this deal @ 7:48 am pst Dec 8th
I ordered online & had my confirmation e-mail @ 12:26 pm pst Dec 8th
Then I had my order update e-mail saying it was being processed @ 5;26 am pst Dec 9th
Then Marstar posts in this thread they just sold out @ 6:23 am pst Dec 9th
Then I get another order update saying they are sold out @ 12:13 PM pst Dec 10th
I don't get it , I thought when you put something that shows in stock on line in your shopping cart & you check out & complete the order
You bought it ? :confused:
OK John please explain
I ordered this item on dec 8th not long after you posted it here .
item was in stock . Item was added to cart , item was checked out . status showed new order received .
Dec 9 th my order status was changed to processing. Now today you send me an order update ( Unfortunately we have run out of stock on this product.) WTF?

I had the same thing, order 31680.
Did you get the automated order update today saying ('Cancelled by Staff'.)
O well guess I'll order a LPK from one of our other sponsors

Don't get your shorts in a knot, if you were a bit late on this purchase and we ran out, e mail me the details and we will offer you a set out of the next shipment at a 10% discount.... I hope that helps withe anxiety you may have suffered ? My e mail, john@marstar.ca

Has anyone else had a hard time communicating with Marstar? They took my money for one of these parts sets then I recieved no communication after that. I've sent 4 emails over the last week but no answer. My buddy in the same town as me ordered the same kit as me 1 day later than I did and his showed up 5 days ago... I'm confused
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