M-16/AR-15 parts sets

Has anyone else had a hard time communicating with Marstar? They took my money for one of these parts sets then I recieved no communication after that. I've sent 4 emails over the last week but no answer. My buddy in the same town as me ordered the same kit as me 1 day later than I did and his showed up 5 days ago... I'm confused

How did he order 1 day after you ?
They didn't even last 1 day ?

I never received any reply from John to the e-mail he asked me to send him with details in this thread either
So when is the next shipment arriving ?
Still waiting for my 10% off offer

The next shipment is being packed as I write this....
I simply stated that we would offer a 10% rebate to all of the orders placed and later cancelled when the stock ran out
I did ask that the customers drop us a note with details, several did.
Yes I included my name, **** in ******, thank you for the update john not bashing love what you do for us just very eager, you guys have had everything for me from baby browning mags and vz50 parts so I love you long time

Last edited:
Posted Dec 9th 2014
We just sold out of these parts kits

We have more expected for after the holidays

If you missed your chance at one, please sign up for notification to receive an e-mail when the product availability changes. We will give priority to those signed up when the next shipment arrives

Posted Jan 8th 2015
The next shipment is being packed as I write this....
I simply stated that we would offer a 10% rebate to all of the orders placed and later cancelled when the stock ran out
I did ask that the customers drop us a note with details, several did.

Is this still happening ? :rolleyes:
We just sold out of these parts kits

We have more expected for after the holidays

If you missed your chance at one, please sign up for notification to receive an e-mail when the product availability changes. We will give priority to those signed up when the next shipment arrives

For some reason signup won't work for me otherwise I would sign up for notification. Tried several years ago even called for help at the time but never got it solved. Tried again now but still won't work. I never receive the comfirmation email. I always end up missing out!
For some reason signup won't work for me otherwise I would sign up for notification. Tried several years ago even called for help at the time but never got it solved. Tried again now but still won't work. I never receive the comfirmation email. I always end up missing out!

Looks like there is nothing to miss out on this one. :rolleyes:
Although they could be coming with the 8mm ammo ;)
Looks like there is nothing to miss out on this one. :rolleyes:
Although they could be coming with the 8mm ammo ;)

Do you ever have anything nice to say ? You make statements and when I question them you simply DO NOT reply....
Once again you rpove your complete lack of knowledge of what is happening, but you just have to say something, you must have a very boring life indeed
Just a few words to update all folks on CGN

The AR15/M16 spare parts sets have been sitting for weeks waiting the export permit, now expected within a couple of weeks....

The 8mm ammo is ours, we bought it, paid for it many, many months ago, we are awaiting export permits, nothing I can say about this.... this is a perfect example of why we seldom mention what we have offshore lest we be chastised for what is perceived as our fault for late deliveries....
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