Chinese sks rifles

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Sounds like a lot of people are just mad at themselves for being too cheap to buy them when they were only $150 a piece. I bought 3! So it's nice to see Marstar wanting double that for them. Means they were a good addition to my collection, and I can clearly get my money back out of them should I need to. It's not Marstars fault you didn't buy them when they were cheap cause now they are not. You guys need to grow up.

U bought many when they were cheap and I did the same !!
Nobody mentioned " BUY THEM CHEAP !!! STACK THEM DEEP !!! " in this thread !!
Few words of advice to all the complainers here : "Buy one now at $300 if you haven't done it when they were less expensive !!! Because soon they WILL be even MORE than $300, if you can found one !!!

John, Sure that this find will make some people happy!

Merry Christmas to everyone.
HAHAHAHA No. Even if the prices were anywhere near what an SKS is worth, your shipping costs would kill it anyway
SOON THEY WILL BE MORE THAN $300.00....LOL..,,,that will be the day,,,there are still millions of these out there for the taking,,and no shortage of importers apparently,,,so cheap SKS will be here for a while,,,and like a few have said,,they aren't exactly a great investment,,,sorry,but the SKS will NEVER be rare,,and like a lot have mentioned,,they are pretty much all the same,,,my ####ty $100.00 one shoots just as nice as my nice serial #11 Russian laminate,,,even my friend's bbq painted one with unmatching numbers works great,,so i dont really see the big deal,,about those who say these are collectible,,collectibility usually has rarety associated to it,,something the SKS will NEVER be,,,,they are the cheapest semi-auto on the market and that's why there's so many out there,,,you can beat the value,,,$300.00 is kinda high,,but if you want a chinese one,,,up to you to over pay,,,but i wonder how popular these would be WITHOUT the cheap surplus ammo,,,
There is better investment than putting it on a SKS, i call it more an expense... JP.
I have to agree. Any fool that would buy one off the EE for $400++ obviuosly doesn't even have the $300 now??? And there can't be more then 2 or 3 of those in Canada?? Looked up SKS on wikipedia and there were 15 million made. So still lots in storage to be coming this way!! By the way Marstar has a heading there for SKS $189 "SOLD OUT"
I like Marstar; and respect his pricing policy... However I think $300 is too much for what they are, and how they were found in the warehouse... I would price them out to be around $175 with some ammo deal as a Christmas sale. That would attract many customers...

Then again, it is his guns, his shop, his policy...

It wasn't the best move of him to threaten his Canadian customers though...
Perhaps not the best move of customers to complain either. Not sure why or how this thread turned into what it has, you either buy and enjoy or keep scrolling. I don't see hoards of posts on another dealer's topic about a $17,000 pistol. Like come on, it's a pistol right? Hmmmmm
Perhaps not the best move of customers to complain either. Not sure why or how this thread turned into what it has, you either buy and enjoy or keep scrolling. I don't see hoards of posts on another dealer's topic about a $17,000 pistol. Like come on, it's a pistol right? Hmmmmm
A pistol hand crafted by beretta gunsmiths, not a military rifle slapped together by prisoners. Not like I'm going to buy either.
I hate the SKS so much I turned down a free one.
Perhaps not the best move of customers to complain either. Not sure why or how this thread turned into what it has, you either buy and enjoy or keep scrolling. I don't see hoards of posts on another dealer's topic about a $17,000 pistol. Like come on, it's a pistol right? Hmmmmm
That the Dealer probably paid $13.5k for...not $5.5k...
The issue isnt about a measly $300, in case you haven't noticed...
Dealers can price their product however they choose. Free country.
The way in which they do so is also free to comment on. Especially when done so in perceived questionable manner.
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God!! They're only SKSs.
Who CARES if one SKS is a little more accurate than the next one? A more accurate SKS is still an SKS.
Hey, I love them too and I have one or two but they're just SKSs.
If you are a collector who needs an unfired one...or a speculator looking for an aren't ever going to fire it and you're gonna HOPE prices climb. Investing in a piece that is one of hundreds of millions of units probably isn't really a sound investment?

$300 for a decent semi auto in 7.62x39? I guess that isn't all that bad. Again can still get spring pinned '49 Russians (refurbs of course but again...they're SKSs not some rare commie gun) for 200 clams.
If you want to compare to what Americans pay for their SKSs...well you will be doing a lot of :-O USUALLY though because everything is so much MORE $ up here.

NO publicity is BAD publicity. They probably should have been asking $600 for them. Marstar would become an overnight household name in Canada. The CBC would probably report it lol.

If you bought gold 10 years ago you might be CRYING when you see what an oz gets today :-(

Other than the sub $200 Russians, what is a better s/a rifle deal than $300? say the Chinese SKSs are rare and this is the LAST of them is probably like saying Chinese PEOPLE are rare or that CHOPSTICKS are rare in China. They have an army of what?... 80BILLION troops? (lol) and each one of them has an SKS in Chinese cosmo ('s much worse than the Russian cosmoline lol) just waiting for the round-eye invasion.

IF China EVER runs-out of unissued SKSs and if they see that there is a market for their Chinese and demand...even CHINESE economics probably dictates...MAKE SOME MORE!!!

Now..the day that we STOP importing goods from China...THAT is the day you wanna invest in some Chinese SKSs. Well ivest on the day BEFORE that happens if you can but...aint gonna happen in our lifetimes...until oil gets to $200/barrel and shipping isn't worth it anymore.

In the end though, $300 plus shipping and tax means that these will be listed privately tomorrow (while Marstar is still selling them for 300 clams) in the EE for $1200.
Hey, if you want to complain about inflated pricing the EE is where you belong. AND that isn't the seller's own forum so slamming them wouldn't be quite as bad as dragging Marstar's name through the mud (but again...rule #1 in advertising..LOCATION LOCATION LOCA...oopsies....sorry..NO PUBLICITY IS BAD PUBLICITY!!) in their own forum and then advertising dissimilar items from other dealers' offerings. THAT is pretty not cool.

I sureashell aint buying one of these and I'm not gonna buy any of the "USED for more than NEW" priced EE items. Now THERE is where you wanna complain about prices.
But in the need to complain about asking prices. That kind of stuff sorts itself out. It's kinda like how we don't need all these drug laws to teach us what's bad for us. BIOLOGY will let us know what we should or shouldn't be "taking".

I have all the SKSs I nee...I mean WANT (actually didn't even NEED one) so even at $200 I'd be passing. I don't think I could say no to even a refurbed Russian '49 for $300 though.

SEASON'S GREETINGS everyone and if you don't want to buy one of these $300 Chinese SKSs just go back to the EVERYTHING made in China is GARBAGE discussion boards but DON'T be posting from your CHINESE Apple. Mac, or iDevice ;-)

Hey Marstar...$299 probably would have ruffled fewer feathers but either way...I'm sure there will be plenty of Chinese SKS buyers out there who will appreciate this price.
Maybe this is a case (pun intended) of No good deed goes unpunished!
TIP: ANYtime you want to sell an item for way more than it's worth (not saying that is the case with these), just list it in the EE and no one will mutter a peep.

EDIT: Have to add...I'm a guitar guy like many of you are. Vintage amps and guitars are rare and collectible. A '59 Gibson Les Paul that listed for what? a couple hundred bucks in '59? will SELL right now for over a quarter of a million dollars. Why? Well it isn't because China cant re-create them. It's mostly because there are woods, components and trim that are unobtainable these days. It's like vintage amplifiers. ANYONE can make a clone/copy of a '67 plexi but to find NOS Mullard tubes or Mustard capacitors from the '60s...$$$ and, they just CAN'T make them like they used to again due to the raw materials. Not only are they hard to get and expensive, disposing of the waste is EXPENSIVE and hard to do.
There is a market for these vintage guitars and components though so you can bet your A$$ that AliBaba is FULL of counterfeits and copies of '50s burst les pauls. Total garbage but they look just like the old ones.
NOW...IF China EVER sees that their SKS supply is running low but the demand is still high...THEY WILL MAKE MORE! An SKS with steel made in 1956 isn't better than one made today with 2014 steel. Their flame maple wood furniture doesn't shoot (or sound) better with age. There is NOTHING preventing China from making NEW SKSs for the Western market EXCEPT that there are still TENS of MILLIONS of them sitting packed in crates that haven't seen the light of day since they came off the production line.
In the end though...if you want an original, unfired, '50s SKS...from China, Russia, the Former Yugoslavia, WHEREVER...I THINK you're gonna be paying all of $300 aren't you?
Good luck with these Marstar. I hope they all sell quickly and that you have a Happy Holiday Season.

When does the book comes out ?
LOL...not civilian SKS,,,LOL...funny EVERY Marstar add for chinese SKS's has ALWAYS been called Full Militery AND Brand exactly what's supposed to be different about these new found crates???

Actually It's Marstar I don't trust all. Called them a few times. But they struck me as very sleezy & hard to get a straight answer out of any one I talked to. Any one Else??
I have bought from Marstar a couple of times. I received exactly what I ordered and was charged exactly what I agreed to.

If you think their prices are too high then shop somewhere else.
its pretty neat how many people on CGN have gun businesses. Im really looking forward to the boxing day deals of $20 chinese sks's sincr everyone here seems to have tons of them at their disposal. And 100% accurate inventories to boot! I would think if you sell thousands upon thousands of guns their might be some minor miscalculations or errors... but that is unacceptable, as the norm appears to be perfection by a the armchair quarterbacks.

i really look forward to these 'businesses' that will also be selling enfields for $10 and garands as well... because those were made in mass, therefore it is impossible that theyd ever become inflated in the market due to eventually running the market dry!

and it is true, every single sks is the exact same. i will be in contact with some museums that have the 1945 dated sks and letting them know my 54 tula is the same and we should trade. 1949s as well, and even those izzys. ill also be informing those on the EE with non refurb sks's that are selling for a premium, that they are retarded and other dealers have them for sub 200 and their all the same

so much fail...
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