Chinese sks rifles

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please explain the difference between military and civilian SKS. i highly doubt there is a civvy version unless Chicom made a Hello Kitty or Anime version stock...

The military version ( somebody correct me if i am wrong ) only been around for about 5 years, these one are the real ones made for the military, the stock is kind of beefier and they do shoot good...
Before that i remember a Norinco model that had no markings on them, i guess those were made for export, while being on par with the russian ones they were not as accurate as the military version...
Maybe différences are slim but...
There is a difference i find, and be given the choice, i will choose this one... JP.
no difference ,,,the chinese sks are ALL military stock,,that's why they have been so cheap,,i seen many Chinese SKS at the range....they are far from the most accurate,,,it's like all other SKS,,it's a hit or miss wether or not you'll get one that shoots accurately,,you have to remember what these were made for,,close range war,,they are definitely NOT sniper riffles,,'ll see more majicly appear pretty soon, again,,,for my money,,the Russian is the REAL deal,,hte whole Chinese civilian or military talk is just that,,talk,,,a good selling point for asking MORE money for them,,,if you look back at the original add for the $75.00 SKS,,,is was always cleary stated that you were getting a brand new military riffle,,,again,,a good selling point,,,the only good thing about buisnesses selling at a higher price point is the increase in price for the used ones,,,
Well, the 300+ posts of griping paid off for everybody. Everybody had their gripe quota filled, those of us that love Marstar drama were fulfilled, and most importantly for John, he sold all the damn rifles.
I love these threads. 8 pages long and 80% of the responses saying they are over-priced.

I see they are sold out. Therefore not over-priced.

I know an old codger that won't buy a new car because he bought a Dodge Dart in 1972 for under $4K new.

People need to read up on supply vs .demand. There is NO current Chicom SKS supply at retail and demand remains high. I'd be the mortgage these would have sold out, even if priced over $400. The rest is just people who don't choose to prioritize the purchase of a chicom SKS at the current Marstar pricing. Nothing more.
I can assure you, you're quite wrong on this. There were chinese sks versions that were meant for export only to civilian markets, and they are not of the same quality. That's why they had a reputation for not being as well built as the Russian model. In the last few years, the Chinese started liquidating lots of the military ones and since the US market is closed, we got piles of them imported and sold by Marstar etc at very attractive prices. That's why you see so many here now.
If you look at the american sks forum, you'll find most of their norincos are the civilian/export version.

no difference ,,,the chinese sks are ALL military stock,,that's why they have been so cheap,,i seen many Chinese SKS at the range....
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Of course they sold out. When its a proven reliable, and accurate gun, for a fair price,, doesn't take long for smart ones to grab one before there all gone. while others were bashing it, others were buying it LOL. Merry Christmas .
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