What's the story behind your name?

Dam I am old, I used to go in there when I was younger and the old man ran the store. A bunch of rifles were on wooden pegs and you could look at them. Empty brass was in containers on the floor sorted by caliber. The counter upstairs was similar as it is now. No downstairs. I remember they had a rock on the counter and written on it was something to the affect "gun dealers heart."
I first met Ellwood at his store in Clinton in 1962. He told me all about his wildcat cartridge the .303 Epps. Many years later I would talk to him at his Orillia location, he always took the time to converse with his customers. The man was a veritable encyclopedia of firearms knowledge.

I miss talking to him when I go to Epps but I must agree that the store is now far better stocked & it is more organized.;)
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