Womens only pistol/carbine course

Not defensive. I just found Combat Medic's post somewhat amusing. In all the times I've been to the range, I honestly can't recall a single instance of women being "ogled" or harassed in any way...or men being idiots around them, as you say.

Maybe my wife's better looking than yours? Lol I'm just kidding with you.
Everyone's experiences are different. There's obviously a need/demand for this.
Anything to get more women in the sport and to make them comfortable.
Not defensive. I just found Combat Medic's post somewhat amusing. In all the times I've been to the range, I honestly can't recall a single instance of women being "ogled" or harassed in any way...or men being idiots around them, as you say.

I agree with Combat medic. There are often good looking women at the trap ranges and there are often comments made by the onlookers.
I look at women all the time. Including those at ranges. That is part of being a healthy male. But just like everywhere else that I check out a pretty face, nice cans or butts, do it as respectfully as possible without looking creepy. In all honesty, if you're a pretty woman with a nice body, I will check you out. Unless my wife who has a pretty face and a nice body is watching me.

As far as women's only courses go, the more the merrier. The gun lobbies and businesses should be setting up booths at shows and events that are geared towards women offering PAL and shooting courses at Women's only shooting events. This should be encouraged and expanded coast to coast.

WTG Farmboy!!!
My better half is a awesome shooter. But does not handle crowds well. Guys do tend to stare. I don't like new/newer shooters to be under more stress then they need to. She went to the First Ladies only course last year and loved it. She will go again
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