Dominion arms 1887


Super GunNutz
Hey Canada Ammo whats the chances of another 1887 shottie deal??? maybe some ammo and shottie, I was sooo close to pulling the pin on that terrific Christmas deal I just could not swallow two at that time but hey whatcha got for us????
I'm with you on this! I'm ready to buy the 1887 with both stocks, and am just wondering if/when there might be a special on them. I bought the Outlaw in the fall when it went on sale for $50.00-off. I waited and watched and wanted one for ages, and the second they went on special I took it as a sign and bought immediately. Dealing with CanadaAmmo was a dream. I know the 1887 will be next for me. Will there be any specials on the 1887 with both stocks coming up soon?
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