Average time till order is shipped?

And just like that, tracking number in my inbox. Patience is not a virtue I am naturally equipped with. SKS and a boat load of ammo is coming my way!!!
I placed my ammo order 01/12/2015 and it still says Awaiting Shipment and no tracking # sent. My email went unanswered.

EDIT: 01/22/2015 my order was shipped!
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I find they are 1-2 weeks on average, I don't mind because they have great deals and free shipping, there is always a trade off somewhere. If you are really in a pinch you can always call and see if they can't ship it a little quicker.
I ordered an Non-Restricted DA Backpacker from their Arms-Bargain site on Jan 13th, & it arrived yesterday...2weeks exactly.
*I never received any shipping confirmation or tracking info, even after several requests via PM, email, & phone message.
$25 for shipping & I had to wait for the surprise at my door? Not really impressed with that, but still a happy CanAm customer.*
(Also, no targets or AR pens in the box...wasn't really a shocker but woulda been a nice touch.)

Ive never had a problem with Canada Ammo yet, they are still reeling a bit from the launch of their new website and Shotshow so it may take a bit longer to ship out. I get anxious everytime I order from them too as they ship out of BC using the dreaded Canpar but Ive been a happy customer everytime.
Yea we feel your pain! The waiting is a bear! We all hate it. But when it does arrive that's forgotten, kid at Xmas feeling more that makes up for it. Me usually a week to QUEBEC. Then Canpar now that's a whole other experience in its self. LOL! Last time I had to run my guy down and corner him, I think that my be I scared him ( totally unintended) so hopefully this time I won't have no misery getting it.:evil:
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