Epps and my dissapointment

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I've bought a couple things from them, no complaints.
I must say though I buy a lot online lately. Better selection, more price comparison. But that being said, I've gotten some "new" firearms that have been dinged up here and there. Nothing major but more than I'd like for a "new" gun. Chalk it up to shipping or lack of inspection due to online buying. Either way, I use the guns and don't mind the little scuffs here and there.
The odd one slips out but there seems to be a reoccurring theme with Epps. Rather spend my money elsewhere. There warranty poiicy sucks. Once it's out the door they don't seem to care.
I'm only buying my stuff off the EE now. At least I know that whatever I'm making my offer on, is pre-owned and priced accordingly. I stopped using vendors' service after they were trying to sell me used firearms as the new ones...twice.
What is really sad is when the retailer reads all the negative comments on an open forum and then, and only then do they finally agree to try and make things right with a customer.....To little to late IMO. Seems these topics about this reatailer are popping up here on a regular basis. Good place to stay away from.
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