More Guns In Stock Than Any Time In Our History

I was in there yesterday to pick up a rifle I had purchased and was lucky enough to pick up som CCI Mini mags :) , always find great things in the store. I would be divorced if I lived close!
Hi P&D, the oilfield slowdown is hardly "suggested". My household now brings in 126,000$ less a year than it did a few months back. That translates into far fewer new guns coming into our house.

But, thanks for the update regarding your inventory!

After a quick count of guns on display (not over stock in our basement vault) we have almost 1000 long guns and over 200 handguns out on the sales floor (we have a few more thousand in storage). We have run out of normal display space and have resorted to temporary racks in the middle of the store. I'm sure there are still more models/styles/calibers that have missed being put out. Due to the slow down in buying in the USA (except for ammo 9mm/22 etc.) were are getting almost complete full orders that we have never seen before. Many guns still remain at last years prices and some new one have been blended with existing prices and of course some brand new gun models at the new higher prices. There has never been a better time to find the exact gun you might be looking for in stock and most at older pricing. Even with the suggested slow down in the oil business (our back yard) there is significant interest in guns, optics and ammo. We have not refused any shipments and in fact have picked up extra inventory that is being offered at better prices.

We are also getting record shipments of ammo, optics and accessories and are having problems getting it all out on display so if you don't see something just ask as it may still be in the back or upstairs in our warehouse. We are preparing for our biggest and hopefully best gun show season so please come in and check us out, call or email. Also several used guns (some new in boxes) are being traded in or sold to us so the used market is solid as well. Phil.
Just a suggestion You guys should dump some coin into a better showcase of all of your fire arms or at least a majority of them, as well easier online ordering as well. your business would triple as it stands i cant justify driving to Edmonton to look at guns and not find one i want. nothing wrong with a road trip though. just a friendly suggestion. i am a noob and don't know all of the guns and specs of them.
Websites a full time job however it couldn't hurt to give it a little TLC. Still looking forward to seeing your inventory updated!
I'm a happy camper. Bought a restricted recently and one earlier. Good business to deal with, very accommodating. Expedient.
Got large cases of .22lr Phil?
The only "problem" I can find with your guys website is lack of prices. It makes things a little hard to compare with out. Aside from that, the sorting method is awesome. Specially when you know the calibre you're looking for.
No offence but your web-site isn't really buyers friendly !!
Do you check inventory and then call to place order?

The gun list is updated every Tuesday so it is pretty accurate. Up until a few weeks ago we listed all our optics with prices however with new recent higher prices and significant older (lower priced) models we couldn't list the old prices as we would be violating our MAP agreement with many manufacturers and distributors. For those optics not listed a quick call or email will get a relatively fast response for inventory and price. I know this seems old school for some buyers but it does work and for the time being it's the way we do things. Phil.
Just a suggestion You guys should dump some coin into a better showcase of all of your fire arms or at least a majority of them, as well easier online ordering as well. your business would triple as it stands i cant justify driving to Edmonton to look at guns and not find one i want. nothing wrong with a road trip though. just a friendly suggestion. i am a noob and don't know all of the guns and specs of them.
I'm not sure what you mean by "showcasing". If you are suggesting a detailed description and picture of every gun...well that's just not possible for our current inventory as it would take several hundred pages to go through that much description. I know we don't have on line ordering system but with our ability to actually answer our phones (6 lines) and getting a live person who can describe in detail most items this is almost as good. Do to most people's access to the internet and the ability to search almost any gun or optic we list we can attempt to go one on one to make sure the item you are looking for is what we will send out. There is no question our business is set up to assist customers directly as opposed to electronically. That will no doubt change in the future. Just remember that businesses cannot be everything to every customer as we all have different interests and expectations in how we want our retail experience delivered. Obviously our system is working well as we are having record sales but no doubt it can always improve. Phil.
The only "problem" I can find with your guys website is lack of prices. It makes things a little hard to compare with out. Aside from that, the sorting method is awesome. Specially when you know the calibre you're looking for.

We do list prices for guns but not for optics for the reasons described previously. Phil.
Dianne's unwillingness to embrace modern technology ( update website to include shopping, and more inventory, accept EMT, ) will be the doom of P&D. When I'm bored on night shift, I shop online. I've spent a few grand this week alone at other places. Anyways, enough ragging. Did you get any powder lately?
Dianne's unwillingness to embrace modern technology ( update website to include shopping, and more inventory, accept EMT, ) will be the doom of P&D. When I'm bored on night shift, I shop online. I've spent a few grand this week alone at other places. Anyways, enough ragging. Did you get any powder lately?[/

I dont think there is any worries of P&D going anywhere except Maybee a bigger location. They know what works, always a huge inventory of guns, ammo and accessories.The store is always busy and the customer service either on the phone ( the thing people have forgotten how to use ) or in store is some of the best you'll find.
Dianne's unwillingness to embrace modern technology ( update website to include shopping, and more inventory, accept EMT, ) will be the doom of P&D. When I'm bored on night shift, I shop online. I've spent a few grand this week alone at other places. Anyways, enough ragging. Did you get any powder lately?[/

I don't think there is any worries of P&D going anywhere except Maybee a bigger location. They know what works, always a huge inventory of guns, ammo and accessories.The store is always busy and the customer service either on the phone ( the thing people have forgotten how to use ) or in store is some of the best you'll find.

Yes I agree. The every couple of years I make it up to Edm, I always visit the store in person and buy stuff. My spending would be exponentially higher if EMT was an option.
If im on days off and the kids arnt in hockey it does not take too much arm twist to go for a drive. Drop the wife at the nearest shopping center and take the boys to look at guns. Kinda a no brainer.
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