Will Marstar ever restock the Yugoslavian SKS rifles?

I am no expert but I think they were over engineered so no need for fine tuning of the gas system. Once they had tooling in place they were produced on a massive scale and because they were over engineered they were not blowing up on the battle field and super easy to maintain hence why so many govermments liked them. Also cheap labour for production.

Mass production does not make a design cheap. It makes prices cheap. There is a difference there that some people don't grasp.
I hope they will never restock.

Before the last restock, the 59/66 were sold for about 350$. Last batch they almost doubled in price.
As much as I wanted one, there is no way i'm gonna pay more than 400$ for an SKS even if they are the nicest SKS ever made, it still an SKS.

If they find some and restock, they will sell them premium, maybe even higher than the last batch.

Keep your eyes open, i've purchased one on the EE last year for 400$ and my other one I got it in a trade against a jw2000.

The trade was done on Lespac not Cgn though it worth mentioning
I missed the game. I would buy two if Marstar could source them for 600 $ a piece. South of the border are willing to pay more. We're lucky enough to have many Russian sks floating around.
apparently you did not see the reserve in that quote this means they are still held in case they are needed. unlike Canada or many other western country's some understand the importance of keeping reserve guns in case they need to arm a militia

I bought my own guns to hold back in reserve. But if the government saw fit to issue me a free one, just in case, I'd be ok with that.
Open source int says that Croatia and Bosnia have 20 or 30 thousand Yugo SKSs in reserve.

I would really appreciate your obvious knowledge on this one.... Although I spent a lot of time that part of the world since 1985 I have not heard of these vast stores....I would pay a handsome finders fee for this information.... I know they have stores of the AK family of guns and H&K weapons I have not seen these....
"The Cadillac of the brand"
It's still a souped up Lada in the long run, putting fins and spoilers on it doesn't make it a Cadillac.

Ah another expert in the field, you obviously have NOT taken the time to compare side by side with other makers, I would suggest you do so . We sold many tens of thousands of these into the US, collectors and shooters love them....
I am no expert but I think they were over engineered so no need for fine tuning of the gas system. Once they had tooling in place they were produced on a massive scale and because they were over engineered they were not blowing up on the battle field and super easy to maintain hence why so many govermments liked them. Also cheap labour for production.

I am amazed by your first hand knowledge regarding firearms production in the former Yugoslavia.
I assume you spent time at the factory and observed the production first hand ?
As for cheap labor I must have missed that one when negotiated various contracts over the years, the average well qualified worker in the arms factories was well paid and was productive....
One of the major factors was the great pride they took in their workmanship, which is quite obvious in all small arms made in Yugoslavia from WW-11 onward....
Please do your research before delivering your opinions
I have a Yugo SKS, and frankly it's my favorite gun. The workmanship on it is outstanding, head and shoulders above a standard SKS which is, itself, is no slouch. The effort it takes to make a standard SKS outstrips that needed for a stamped AK47, and these particular SKS have many more gee-whiz bits. Grenade launcher, folding night sights, grenade sight with gas cutoff... This stuff takes skilled labour to make, and the prices they demand will show it. These are not the 80 dollar throwaway guns everyone thinks they are. If that's what you want, see if you can get Norinco to make one out of cardboard and pot metal to bring the price down. They might even be able to do it with the crazy value they had for M305s. But being able to find nice batches of these guns for the prices people want... It would be very difficult even for Marstar. If you really want one, you may have to have one imported from the States.
I am amazed by your first hand knowledge regarding firearms production in the former Yugoslavia.
I assume you spent time at the factory and observed the production first hand ?
As for cheap labor I must have missed that one when negotiated various contracts over the years, the average well qualified worker in the arms factories was well paid and was productive....
One of the major factors was the great pride they took in their workmanship, which is quite obvious in all small arms made in Yugoslavia from WW-11 onward....
Please do your research before delivering your opinions

Your sarcasm in these three replies was totally unnecessary- they were just chatting about what they've heard about SKSs, and you just came through and insulted their intelligence for no good reason.

"Sorry, guys, no more Yugo SKSs coming in. Haven't heard about the Bosnian/Croatian stockpiles but if you have a lead I'd like to hear it."

That's all you had to say.
I would really appreciate your obvious knowledge on this one.... Although I spent a lot of time that part of the world since 1985 I have not heard of these vast stores....I would pay a handsome finders fee for this information.... I know they have stores of the AK family of guns and H&K weapons I have not seen these....

No obvious knowledge per se, just discussion on the Euro military forums. Discussion is something like they are not official reserve weapons, rather something to pass out to villagers and fifth columnists in the next war. The nubmer is likely inflated but it must have some basis in truth. Have you tried the Solvenes, there seem to be a lot of SKS in private hands judging by facebook.
As mentioned they will need em for the next war with Serbia. In that part of the world there is always a next war. Wait 15 years once the German start getting rid of their current rifle, the Croats will sell em.

and that war will be coming in our lifetime.. perhaps we can finally do kosovo justice and retake it back for our people and kick out the nato occupiers. I have seen plenty of serbian war vets volunteering with the russian rebels in the eastern ukraine conflict, they did an interview with one of them and the sniper mentioned that the ukranian conflict is good training for when the war starts up again back home.
Your sarcasm in these three replies was totally unnecessary- they were just chatting about what they've heard about SKSs, and you just came through and insulted their intelligence for no good reason.

"Sorry, guys, no more Yugo SKSs coming in. Haven't heard about the Bosnian/Croatian stockpiles but if you have a lead I'd like to hear it."

That's all you had to say.

Thanks for pointing that out, I had not noticed. I only spent about paltry 200 bucks a year at Marstar, maybe I take that else where.
and that war will be coming in our lifetime.. perhaps we can finally do kosovo justice and retake it back for our people and kick out the nato occupiers. I have seen plenty of serbian war vets volunteering with the russian rebels in the eastern ukraine conflict, they did an interview with one of them and the sniper mentioned that the ukranian conflict is good training for when the war starts up again back home.

I am Canadian and really have no interest in their politics except when the Cdn govt sent me there as part of the UN to clean up your relatives genocide. Prehaps, you would be more happy fighing a war with your mates in Ukraine instead of cheerleading from relative safety of TO? Or do you like the living standards of this NATO occupier?
I am Canadian and really have no interest in their politics except when the Cdn govt sent me there as part of the UN to clean up your relatives genocide. Prehaps, you would be more happy fighing a war with your mates in Ukraine instead of cheerleading from relative safety of TO? Or do you like the living standards of this NATO occupier?

thank you for your service but yikes working with the UN
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