Will Marstar ever restock the Yugoslavian SKS rifles?

i feel like im the only one who likes johnone's no BS answers, no speculation, no rumors just straight facts
i feel like im the only one who likes johnone's no BS answers, no speculation, no rumors just straight facts

They make for entertaining threads. :) I'm glad he didn't completely abandon the internet when he took that step back from Marstar's public relations.
I think that he just enjoys trolling his own forum. It keeps these threads up on the Unread list longer.

Pretty weak sauce in this thread, though. I like his replies to the baiting that goes on. This was unprovoked.

And if the guns are long gone and not returning then remove them from the website already. That's how to avoid these topics coming up. Of course this just goes to validate my initial surmise.
I am amazed by your first hand knowledge regarding firearms production in the former Yugoslavia.
I assume you spent time at the factory and observed the production first hand ?
As for cheap labor I must have missed that one when negotiated various contracts over the years, the average well qualified worker in the arms factories was well paid and was productive....
One of the major factors was the great pride they took in their workmanship, which is quite obvious in all small arms made in Yugoslavia from WW-11 onward....
Please do your research before delivering your opinions

Hi john,
I would never question your knowledge on the subject. Yes I have done lots of research but just a guy that has an interest. As for my comment was more geared to SKS in general not just Yugoslavia. I guess I got a little worked up over the SKS haters. You can't beat em and I have tried to break them so I am sticking with my opinion. I have never been there so I guess assumptions made on the labour, however compared to our labour costs my point is valid. Just because labour is cheap does not mean quality is and obvious in the Yugoslav SKS. Yes they are to me one of the finer examples with a NATO twist or am I wrong on that too?

Just saying.
if i went to a store and i was bothered by the sales people there , i will not be returning .

i don't know why some of you guys are here .
Psycho mercenary snipers practicing on people to prepare for a hypothetical war at home. Douchebags. Made former Yugo a sh!tole too.

I assume you were there dutring both Balkan wars ? So you have first hand knowledge ? Interesting I stopped counting after my 125th trip there and I still have difficulty coming to any conclusion
Just for your eyes guys.

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Sorry fellas but I'm with John on this I use this website as a huge resource when researching and collecting guns. I am tired of reading folks bogus opinions and sifting through a lot of misinformation trying to find the facts about guns. I know its human nature but if you don't know what your talking about please keep it to yourself.

If the yugoslavian sks's aren't your thing then don't buy one. It seems they are sought after and regarded as the best sks made. I see there aren't any for sale for a reason oviously they are worth buying/collecting if you can get your hands on them.
Sorry fellas but I'm with John on this I use this website as a huge resource when researching and collecting guns. I am tired of reading folks bogus opinions and sifting through a lot of misinformation trying to find the facts about guns. I know its human nature but if you don't know what your talking about please keep it to yourself.

If the yugoslavian sks's aren't your thing then don't buy one. It seems they are sought after and regarded as the best sks made. I see there aren't any for sale for a reason oviously they are worth buying/collecting if you can get your hands on them.

Agreed... JP.
Don't get me wrong, I collect Yugoslavian Mauser and SKS rifles and have an affinity for them but I would say that some of the "Unissued" Russian SKS rifles are nicer than the Yugo ones. The Yugo Mausers are also not as well made as the German ones. I've also owned 3 or 4 modern Zastava produced firearms and again, pretty good but not incredible when compared with the competition (CZ/BRNO for example). Zastava can wave that red flag proudly for 160 solid years of quality firearms manufacturing but I wouldn't liken them to top shelf manufacturers. That being said I would pay $500 for a Yugo SKS or Mauser without hesitation.
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I am Canadian and really have no interest in their politics except when the Cdn govt sent me there as part of the UN to clean up your relatives genocide. Prehaps, you would be more happy fighing a war with your mates in Ukraine instead of cheerleading from relative safety of TO? Or do you like the living standards of this NATO occupier?

We are not nato occupied.. we are a part of nato. Which is nothing to be proud of
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