Will Marstar ever restock the Yugoslavian SKS rifles?


New member
I've been looking for a m59/66 to add to my SKS collection for a while. The rifles are pretty common in the United States but not in Canada.
The barrel is empty. Marstar cleared them out.

Then they tease us with a M76.

A 1.5 MOA 8x57 Mauser chambered AK variant. What's not to like?
I hope they will never restock.

Before the last restock, the 59/66 were sold for about 350$. Last batch they almost doubled in price.
As much as I wanted one, there is no way i'm gonna pay more than 400$ for an SKS even if they are the nicest SKS ever made, it still an SKS.

If they find some and restock, they will sell them premium, maybe even higher than the last batch.
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I hope they will never restock.

Before the last restock, the 59/66 were sold for about 350$. Last batch they almost doubled in price.
As much as I wanted one, there is no way i'm gonna pay more than 400$ for an SKS even if they are the nicest SKS ever made, it still an SKS.

If they find some and restock, they will sell them premium, maybe even higher than next batch.

Supply and demand. Feel free not to buy one lol
Supply and demand. Feel free not to buy one lol

Was waiting the last batch for almost a year and when I saw the price increase, i was like, there is no ####ing way I'm stupid at the point of spending that much on a SKS.

Don't worry, I haven't bought one. At 650$, i can spend this cash on a much better firearm.
Lol but the point is if they sold, they are worth that to those people and it would have been a poor choice to sell them cheaper. Id pay that price for a SKS-D
I have the M59/66 with the MKTV M68 dummy round and the M59. Like them both. Never fired with the M59 cause it's the most beautiful sks i saw in my life
Was waiting the last batch for almost a year and when I saw the price increase, i was like, there is no ####ing way I'm stupid at the point of spending that much on a SKS.

Don't worry, I haven't bought one. At 650$, i can spend this cash on a much better firearm.

The double price bit @ss. I said forgidaboudit.
I hope they will never restock.

Before the last restock, the 59/66 were sold for about 350$. Last batch they almost doubled in price.
As much as I wanted one, there is no way i'm gonna pay more than 400$ for an SKS even if they are the nicest SKS ever made, it still an SKS.

If they find some and restock, they will sell them premium, maybe even higher than next batch.

Agreed. Lipstick on a pig. It'll always be just an SKS.
You can say what you like about SKS rifles. But the Yugo is the cadilac of the brand. I have a mint unfired Yugo M59/66 A1 and it is an extremely nicley made rifle. I paid around $600 for it a couple years ago and thought I would regret it. There is no way you could reproduce this quality of rifle for $600 period. Once you actually hold one in person to get an appreciation for its quality compared to the million SKS's on the market. I have 5 others including 2 Chinese M's nothing made like the Yugo.

These rifles in my opinion will maintain there value to same level or higher than an SKS D. There was not millions made but I think around 700,000 were produced I am not sure how many made it to Canada maybe 10-20K and most but I really do not know other than I have never held another real one in person.

Also SKS have to be one of the most reliable for the price. Does not shoot 1 or 2 MOA but it fires every time does not jam and can be loaded fast with strippers. I will admit I never shoot my SKS's anymore due other guns I like to shoot more but I will always have several of them.

Just my 2 cents on the Yugo rifles fine examples of a very reliable and simple firearm.
"The Cadillac of the brand"
It's still a souped up Lada in the long run, putting fins and spoilers on it doesn't make it a Cadillac.

So what is up about the SKS that makes it a "cheap" design? Volume? Accuracy? Ergonomics?

The Valmet line is the Cadillac of the AK world, even in the US where the classification we have here doesn't matter. Yet their are still cheap AKs. Are valmets souped up Ladas?
Without being a SKS shooter, i always loved the rifle style, over the years, always bought some to keep as trophys... Those 2 X 59-66 with the tiger stripe stock i got from Marstar ( 2006) at 329.00 a piece are keepers for their beauty, they only are SKS but 5 or 6 times a years i recieve mail from someone who would love to buy them from me... JP.
"The Cadillac of the brand"
It's still a souped up Lada in the long run, putting fins and spoilers on it doesn't make it a Cadillac.

I dont disagree with your opinion but you have to appreciate the history of the rifle and how Yogoslavia took this simple rifle during a time of unrest and created a very good quality rifle that oddly had a Nato standard grenade launcher which to me seems very strange.

If you have a hate for the SKS then you will never appreciate what is involved to make one. Everyone has an opinion and they certainly not my go to rifle but if zombies come I can assure you it will be beside my others in the line up!:)
So what is up about the SKS that makes it a "cheap" design? Volume? Accuracy? Ergonomics?

The Valmet line is the Cadillac of the AK world, even in the US where the classification we have here doesn't matter. Yet their are still cheap AKs. Are valmets souped up Ladas?

I am no expert but I think they were over engineered so no need for fine tuning of the gas system. Once they had tooling in place they were produced on a massive scale and because they were over engineered they were not blowing up on the battle field and super easy to maintain hence why so many govermments liked them. Also cheap labour for production.
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