Some new stuff from NCSTAR


Playin with editor
soooo who owns a ECO 4x34, has used it, and can give a first hand review on it?

hows it holding up so far? does it hold zero?
watched the canada post guy drop mine onto the concrete then picked it up and throw it inside the door....

pre-torture tested delivery of merchandise, just another benefit cp mail brings to the table.
You'd pay extra for that if it was a private company.

I might have to try a ncstar laser on my pellet gun. Easier to pop rats with at night, hard to see the irons.
Ok, so who has received these ECO 4x32's and tried them out? They look interesting, and appear to have sold well, according to what I've seen in this thread. I've never had luck with cheap optics, but given the warranty, may be willing to try again.

Anyone with any FIRSTHAND experience WITH THIS PARTICULAR OPTIC? Good or bad? Anyone have any problems with them?
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Decided what the heck, picked one of the Eco's up to try it. Seems solid, glass seems ok, so we'll see how it how it holds up. I usually buy top-end stuff, so this'll be an adventure!

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Decided what the heck, picked one of the Eco's up to try it. Seems solid, glass seems ok, so we'll see how it how it holds up. I usually buy top-end stuff, so this'll be an adventure!

Certainly looks sweet...looking forward to the range report...
Wrong is subjective I suppose. How's it holding up so far? Does it keep zero at least?

seemed to work OK on an AR. Put it on my 15SA and it kept shutting off, as the battery compartment loosened under recoil, and one of the mounting screws connecting the QD mount to the optic body stripped the hole it screws into. This has been the problem I've had with cheap optics in the past - the threaded holes the screws go into seem to fail, or the screws/bolts themselves become stripped.

my advice: nice enough optic, but I wouldn't put it on anything with much recoil. I just emailed Marstar about returning it.

EDITED TO ADD: Marstar is awesome. Emailed me back with return information. Highly recommend them :)
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