ISSC M22 Pistol in 22LR


Expired Business
We just got a few of these pistols in 22LR:


find them here:
That's a hell of a good deal.... I wonder if it's better to beg for forgiveness than ask for permission on this one from the wife...
Agreed... I purchased one from another site sponsor a month ago....son was all excited. It is a pos. Cant eat its way through even one clip without a ftf or fte. Takes the fun right out of shooting. Tried every type of .22 ammo out there. My m&p 22 is a little fussy, but his one is horrible. If there is a fix, one would think the mfg, or the dealers would get them FIXED prior to shipping. A quick search shows a lot of vids on how to fix them. I am not a gunsmith, grinding off metal is not my job and with a new gun, even at a pretty good really should work.

My dealer just plays the email game to delay and blow me off...."so have you tried copper plated round nose", "tell us what ammo you have tried". Its a .22 pistol. It doesnt even like cci mini mags. Wtf? I only paid 299 can but fun if it does not work.
Funny that I thought of my pre lawsuit one as junk too and now that little bugger just chugs through everything. Then again that's probably after 5 or 6 bricks. For the record I'm happy with mine now and I paid almost twice as much. Also, Mine never had failure to extract issues, it was just short stroking and occasionally having a light primer strike.

Now mine is a much older model, for this price heck I'd buy it all over again. It's a super fun little gun.
I have had one for 2 months. Tried 8 different ammo. Cci mini mags 100% with over 200 rounds, rem.thunder bolts 100% over 150 . Before that over 200 rounds of nothing but problems mostly fte. Almost ready to melt this thing into a paper weight but now i love this little pistol and I will not part with this one.
:mad: Mine sucks the big one. Just got it a few months ago FTE. Rear sight fell off. Would not recommend this to anyone. Think it is time to sell it to a person that has more patience then me or wants to try the youtube fix.
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