Anyone try the SKS mounts?


Langley, BC
I have a SKS but just use the open sights. I saw on Marstar's website that they have this:

or just the mount.

Has anyone tried either of those and has it worked out? Thanks for any help.
Depends what you want. If you do not mind an approximate scope mount that wobbles and does keep 0, go right ahead.
The only "real" solutions for scope mounts on an SKS are those who require you to drill and tap the receiver. Anything mounted on the cover is not stable.

Than again I am used to real scoped rifles, for fun plinking and medium to low expectations of accuracy, these could be fun. just don't expect to much.
I didn't have these exact ones but another "dust cover" type mount. was terrible for keeping zero.

I recommend a wartak rail.
go to red rifles forum...
i've done the ejection port mod (make it 90 degrees and shells eject to the right)
i've tapped where receiver pin goes through receiver (i forget the exact size of bolt which works)
then tap the scope mount (while in place)
have done this TWICE, and it holds zero - works like a charm
(take it slow...)
without doing this it's just an o.k. mount at and easy
find the correct size bolt (can. tire)... tap, and you'll be good to go
(i also made sure to file front taps on mount as little as required to fit onto receiver)
Not exactly what you're afterbut the style is a good one. Quality piece and holds zero.
The trouble with those receiver cover mounted rails is that it is an approximate fit so you may have to file the 'feet' to get it to slide into place. If you take too much it will not be a solid platform. The screws on the side are terrible and don't stand up to even moderate wear and tear. That's my opinion and experience anyway.

Depends what you want. If you do not mind an approximate scope mount that wobbles and does keep 0, go right ahead.
The only "real" solutions for scope mounts on an SKS are those who require you to drill and tap the receiver. Anything mounted on the cover is not stable.

Than again I am used to real scoped rifles, for fun plinking and medium to low expectations of accuracy, these could be fun. just don't expect to much.

If you are determined to have the receiver cover mount, the drill and tap is the best option. The real solution is a Quik rail or a Wartak rail. They are the ultimate in solid SKS scope platforms.

I didn't have these exact ones but another "dust cover" type mount. was terrible for keeping zero.

I recommend a wartak rail.

This. It takes a little longer to dis-assemble which for some is a consideration but there is no finer base in my opinion.

Here's a pic of one of my Tacticool SKS featuring the Wartak, it has a shell deflector edge too. As you can see it fixes to the rear sight base with a pin and mounts on the back pin hole of the cover:

I have one. It's "ok" at best. It does wobble and holding the zero is an issue. I wouldn't use it for hunting as it's just not reliable enough. Mind you mine is the one with out those stabalizer feet that come down the side but still. I took up some of the slack in it with some well placed welds on the cover to act as spacers/ chims
i have the cover type is ok but will loose 0 after a few rounds so its give or take
i preferred in the end to learn to use the irons and now enjoy it as it was intended
there are mounts you can drill and tap bolt to receiver but damaging the gun
was never an option to me
I gave up on them, or optics on my many SKS in general. It's like trying to turn a Skoda into a F1 car... It just wasn't made for it, and I'll respectfully suggest the 7.63x39 round wasn't either, especially surplus.

Use it for plinking with iron sights... If you want a scope or RDS I suggest you look into another platform.
Tech-sights are nice peep sites.

I've had nothing but trouble with dust cover scope mounts. The ones I've had are pretty terrible quality. I went to the Wartak, and it actually holds a zero quote nice. Makes me able to actually shoot to 200 yards with the sks.
Had one similar to that and it never zeroed after cleaning. I bought a scout scope mount from Marstar couple of years ago and it has worked amazing and zeros every time. Suggestion though about the scout scope mount is once you have the base of the scope mount secured never touch it.. only loosen the screws for the rail. It is great for red dots, holograms, or long eye relief scopes. unlike the wartak or the magwedge rail you can still use stripper clips.

here is the link,

video of it in use,
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