Marstar Cleaning and Gunsmithing Bench


CGN Regular
Does anyone happen to own one of these Cleaning and Gunsmithing Benchs from Marstar?

I purchased one a while back when they were on sale and never had the chance to set it up until recently. I managed to find every piece except for the rail/bar that sits on top and screws into the stand itself. I even managed to find the screws/washers and allen key that go with the rail. I honestly don't recall seeing this piece when unpackaging it a while back but there's a good chance I've misplaced it.

I'm wondering if anyone would be kind enough to upload (Via e-mail works if that's easier?) a picture of what it looks like up close. (Whether on its own or already screwed into the stand) I could possibly ask Marstar if they have any extras but figured I'd try here first. Perhaps if I saw what it looked like up close it might help jog my memory or at the very least aid me in having something retrofitted.

I would suggest giving Marstar a call and asking them for the missing piece.

They're usually quite willing to help out.

Good luck!
Thanks nntw! I'll definitely give that a try if nothing comes of this thread. I've always had positive dealings with Marstar so I'm confident they'd help me out if possible :)
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