Very Disappointed with The Epp's Bluing Process

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Hey you can take that approach if you want , and your section on cgn will keep blowing up with complaints. Like I said , some warranted , some not. You realize I'm not even saying its 100% epps fault. Probably more like 50/50, just saying with a 5 min phone call = no problem . I wish you and your business the best. I have no dog in the fight so to speak. Cheers mate .

You presume no one in the shop called him. I dont know everything about the story. But i saw the gun before, and the after and the after is leaps and bounds better than the before. I do believe the shop talked to him about it, but no one else wants to post mainly for privacy of the customer and epps.
Well it would have taken 2-3 questions and 45 seconds for the person who took the order to ask the guy what he expected, if it was worth it, or if it was even possible.

I just took my mountain bike in for a total overhaul, the guy spent 7-8 min with me telling me what they were going to do, what I wanted, what the result would be, and if I should consider a new bike instead of the overhaul. $300 later I signed off on the repairs... just seems standard on stuff like this. I donno maybe they did that with him but it sure doesn't sound like it.

The customer was contacted by our gunsmith shop when the pistol arrived in our store to have the servicing he had requested performed upon that gun. The customer advised that he did not want any aggressive re-finishing as he wanted the original lettering and markings to remain visible to enhance the value of the firearm, despite being advised that the condition of this pistol was not consistent with any collector's value. A bead blast finish with bluing was requested by the customer.

Again, as has been pointed here several times by both Epps staff and other posters, the customer's complaint is not about the pitting or condition of the firearm. The complaint is about the colour of the finish at the end result of the service. The owner appears to have expected a finish that was BLUE in tone, not BLACK, as is the customary finish on most firearms. While both our gunsmiths and our manager have explained to him that the solution used in the hot bluing tanks produces the black result shown on his firearm, he has insisted that this 1911 should look like the high-luster finish on a Colt Python. It was explained to him that a high luster polish would reflect a bluish tinge back to the eye under certain light, but the bead blast prior to the refinishing makes in impossible buff the firearm to that level of finish without further degrading the existing markings, which are already well-worn and barely visible in some places.

At no time did the customer offer any insight into the colour or tone of finish he was seeking before the refinishing was performed. He did not ask to view any sample of previous bluing finishes applied by Ellwood Epps so that he would have a basis for the colour that would be applied to his pistol. Nor is he understanding our explanation that the custom polished blued finish found on guns like a Colt Python is not the standard finish offered by 99% of gunsmiths who offer bluing/refinishing services.

Again, the only way to alter the colour and tone of the end finish would be to add a die agent to the bluing solution, which is something we do not offer, and was not requested by the customer or discussed at any time before the pistol was dipped into the bluing tanks.
This is a classic clusterf!ck.

I don't see any intent of Epps trying to pull one over on the OP. Just a communication breakdown... and now a public shaming for no good reason. Should have never made it to the internet.

This is where Epps should step in and say "Here is your money back, but please consider doing business elsewhere from now on."
This is a classic clusterf!ck.

I don't see any intent of Epps trying to pull one over on the OP. Just a communication breakdown... and now a public shaming for no good reason. Should have never made it to the internet.

This is where Epps should step in and say "Here is your money back, but please consider doing business elsewhere from now on."

or never took it on in the first place, if I asked my gunsmith to do that, he will laugh at me and say do it yourself...
If the reply above was on pg 1/2 Id feel for epps.
But when his employee jumped in and mocked the op with smurf comments thats where I decided I would do business else where.
Sorry but respect is important to me.
If the reply above was on pg 1/2 Id feel for epps.
But when his employee jumped in and mocked the op with smurf comments thats where I decided I would do business else where.
Sorry but respect is important to me.

I started the smurf thing in this thread. I have no relation to Epps, the OP or any gunsmithing/refinishing buisness.

I brought it up facetiously as what I thought was a completely outrageous expectation someone might have, and not be satisfied when they received the standard 'blued' gun finish.
I did this without knowing any backstory.

That it came out later the customer replied 'yes' when asked if they expected it to be smurf blue is coincidence. Note the answer was yes though.

If you have high expectations then you need to explicitly state them before hand. If you don't have enough knowledge of what your speaking about, then ask for clarification.

BTW I was going for cerulean blue at first but figured 95% of people wouldn't know what that was, the smurf graphic on the grip was just icing.
And none of the blued guns in my safe exhibit the slightest blue tinge under indoor lighting.
At risk of beating the poor horse to death, this job should have never been taken on by EPP's. Regardless of how much the customer insisted. They should have known it would look like a blued turd. I have turned down work or suggested a different finish for customers when I knew they would not get a satisfactory result. It is never worth the 250.00 . If the finished product is not something you would be proud to advertise, then you shouldn't do it. The only exception is if the customer requests Zombie Green and Purple. That's their personal taste.
At risk of beating the poor horse to death, this job should have never been taken on by EPP's. Regardless of how much the customer insisted. They should have known it would look like a blued turd. I have turned down work or suggested a different finish for customers when I knew they would not get a satisfactory result. It is never worth the 250.00 . If the finished product is not something you would be proud to advertise, then you shouldn't do it. The only exception is if the customer requests Zombie Green and Purple. That's their personal taste.

you didn't see the original finish on the gun. the finished product is a diamond compared to the original finish.
Okay, we've all had our say now. Let's chalk this one up to misadventure on both sides, and call it a day, shall we?
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