Pietta Python?

if john says there on there way...then i believe him and will wait patently for one...while bugging him about this thread being bumped up all the time...HAHA
It took you two minutes to read 5 words? If you wish I can refer you to a good remedial reading programme.

OMG.......I have coffee coming out of my nose...LOL

I hope Pietta does come through and produce a Python copy for those of us that never did/could get the original.I have a nice little Pietta 1873 SSA .45 Colt 6 gun ,great fun to shoot and very reliable, hope they do the CP justice and go forward with the idea.

I fell in love with the Python as a child, as it was featured in the great video game Resident Evil ;)

I still don't own one but this news of a clone has me pretty excited as I can't afford a real one... What calibers is it being produced in?
I really love my Pietta cowboy gun. It honestly looks like it was made by someone who cares.

If they ever do produce a Python; They will certainly be getting my money.
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