7.62x51 Nato


Expired Business
We have our first shipment of prime quality 7.62 Nato FMJ on the way in.... Due if 2-3 weeks.

1980s European manafacture.... Non Corrosive....HP

Please do not call, we will post it very soon on our site.... With pictures and pricing.

We have not seen this quality of surplus in 25 years.
At prices that one can afford to shoot....

fak me , way to go John........ right when I am falling asleep at night dreaming of the optics for my .338 and the 50 cal I'm trying to spend my money on....... you drop this bombshell .... in yer usual fashion I might add LOL
awesome news :rockOn:
Just cheked my remaining 308 stock... This gonna be a major order of 308 ( if it all jive in fine)... JP.:runaway::runaway::runaway:
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