M-14 National Match Rear Sight

This is typical johnone reply. Whether or not he intends it to be rude, he should really just stay off the forums like he promised he would because he always makes an evasive reply like he's trying to pull a fast one somehow or is just rude to the individual. The comment about marked NM means nothing. I imagine even the Chinese can make an N and M marking for a clone.

I give up, you caught us, we had them hand forged in a little hut in SE Asia.... for 99cts each and now we are putting our 30year reputation on the line by offering them.... Sorry
I think a couple guys in this thread are being a bit retarded.

it's a set of m14 sights for 100 bucks........ obviously not a norinco product
I'm gonna hazard a small but educated guess that these are made in the same factories as springfield et al.
Johnone can correct me if I'm off base here

go to any other site in the US and Canada that sells M14 sights and compare.
this is a good deal. I have no horse in this race, nor do I need any rear sights.
BUT you m14 nuts seem to take my advice fairly regularly over the past decade so I'll go out on a limb and say this looks like a good deal to me and is why I initially posted in this thread.
My guess is for the price, you are going to get a FAR better set of sights than those that come on the rifle.
But back to the important question: Will these fit the Norinco clones?

seeing as john only wants to tell you they are nm, will say yes they will. people new to the platform need info, they have not been in it for 30 years. as usual acp45 is the voice of reason. now comes the next question, which aperture size is it, .052 or .0595. sorry, the photo doesn,t help. the wrong one will cost over $30US to replace. my old eyes struggle with the .0595. keep the addiction going and help the newbies.
Gotta agree with you 45.
Hard to beat this price so I ordered one yesterday.

Hey John, I know that little hut in South East Asia! But they were only selling ### when I drove by.

They make sights as a side line, the ### business has its ups and downs
Well,, mine arrived today. Very nice looking. Sorry I dont have calipers to measure the opening but its pretty small as seen next to a tape measure.


Well, the markings are sure a whole lot better than the Norc's. Might have to order a set myself when they are back in stock.
For sure! The numbers and markings are a lot more clear than on the Norcs.
With a bit of youtube help, I got them onto my Norc M305 without issues. Now just need to re-sight and calibrate.
No complaints,, it runs better than the old Norc sight too.

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Yes, I would also like to know if you will be bringing these back in again, have a "few" project rifles to upgrade with these sights!

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