M-14 National Match Rear Sight

I never cease to be amazed at guys who look at a great deal from Marstar and go full retard trying to make out there's something wrong, or sinister or down right evil about the item. It's a good deal, and if you don't want one, don't buy one. Capitalism 101. Sheesh.
soo, any update on these sights yet? and any other m14 parts possibly?

They are on order from the factory, promised for February, we shall see....

We may bring som M14 parts kits to Canada, nothing decided as yet
hmmm, what kind of parts kits? NOW you really have my interest!! more details please!
if there the ones i am thinking of I would take TWO
hmmm, what kind of parts kits? NOW you really have my interest!! more details please!
if there the ones i am thinking of I would take TWO

We have a large number of M-14s offshore,we could kit them out BUT I don't think the Canadian market could absorb that many, we shal see
We have a large number of M-14s offshore,we could kit them out BUT I don't think the Canadian market could absorb that many, we shal see

Another dealer had Norinco parts kits, they weren't full kits as they were missing several parts, (bolts, stock metal, flash hider, rear sights, crown nut) They seemed to sell well. Actual USGI parts seem to have a higher demand and command a higher price.

Count me in for one.

John my horse for a crate of quality m14 mags.
Are they in South Korea??

I don't know that the location will make any difference, they are high quality rifles in excellent condition....
If you are interested and have the licenses we would be pleased to quote you on just under 2,000 rifles with accessories.
You may contact me at john@marstar.ca with a copy of your license (NOT your PAL) we can send you pictures and other details, inspection allowed.
I would be in for a couple of kits for build purposes providing the price was reasonable. Sadly, I couldn't afford or use 2000 kits :)

Like I indicated we are looking to sell the lot "as is" live rifles.... Much easier and less hassle.

Like I indicated we are looking to sell the lot "as is" live rifles.... Much easier and less hassle.


I missed the part of you wanting to sell all the rifles in one lot?? I'm Surprised by that ? As not many on the retail market??? Fill us in .. As we are all not International Gun Dealers... Has the canadian market dryed up ?
I don't know that the location will make any difference, they are high quality rifles in excellent condition....
If you are interested and have the licenses we would be pleased to quote you on just under 2,000 rifles with accessories.
You may contact me at john@marstar.ca with a copy of your license (NOT your PAL) we can send you pictures and other details, inspection allowed.

Can't you just cut up 500 of them import them and sell the rest.....
Any news on the NM sights? Or the parts kits?

I know the parts kits are unlikely but I'm holding out hope.

They are on order from the factory, promised for February, we shall see....

We may bring som M14 parts kits to Canada, nothing decided as yet
I would sure be interested in a couple 14 kits myself. 2000 kits to many to be absorbed in the Canadian market? wow, I thought that would be easy to move, depending on price ofcoarse.
are we still talking about all those GI m14 rifles John has stashed in a wharehouse somewhere on the planet that he is looking for a buyer for?
geesus, this exact same conversation took place over a decade ago LOL

marstar could have made a bloody mint if they had brought us those parts kits in 10 years ago. they would be sold out long ago and it make zero sense to try to market them now..... the m14 craze in Canada is pretty much over LOL
As far as them making it to Canada..... as parts kits....... I don't believe in Unicorns either LOL
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