Stop the RCMP!

Because the municipalities have a contract with the Feds to provide policing. So they do belong there in the first place. But why let facts and details get in the way of a good rant?


Why does Canada have federal law enforcement like the fbi or dea, working in municipalities where they should not be in the first place. This needs to be addressed first, first you take the money and contracts from them and thats how their power diminishes. Its easy economics, and a pen could defeat the mighty rcmp swiftly.
Originally Posted by 0.5moa
Why does Canada have federal law enforcement like the fbi or dea, working in municipalities where they should not be in the first place."

The last time that a national police force of jack booted thugs with such widespread powers existed in a western country,they were known as the Gestapo or SS if you prefer?
....but y'all can relax fellas,no doubt Smith's "year of the magazine" comment was indeed taken out of context,and likely was referring to the NFA hi-cap mag petition victory,with the pending announcement in the very near future that we can go ahead and un-pin all of our 5/30s. :rolleyes:
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Just on one little tidbit as there are a few issues here I could discuss.

Murray Smith, William Edder, Daniel Guay, et al, were never, nor are now, regular members/police officers of the RCMP. They were ex-Canadian Forces personnel who are now employees of the RCMP, probably CMs, civilian members with peace officer status for the handling of designated firearms and other named devices under law.

They aren't cops now, not ever.

I know, I know, I can hear the battle cry of the regular antis/malcontents, but I am just saying this as it is a sticking point for clarity.
Such public service there.
I experienced the 3 year inspection wait, for my CA Long Branch Sten.

It couldn't be any easier with paper work included, 15 minute job.

3 years to the day.

Imagine if they had to compete with a company that has to actually work for success.

"Hello, I'm from the Government, I'm here to help you."

They strive for mediocrity, and seldom reach that standard.
In the US the states dont allow feds to get in their cities, i dont see why the provinces dont just decide on community policing and city police. Why give 1 federal force such man power and money. Change the contracts at a provincial level.
Now Im curious, with my ar build coming to completion, Im going to need to start buying mags. Should I just stay away from these 10rnds, to avoid becoming an instant criminal?
I personally think the RCMP firearms guys won't be floating too many more test "balloons" before the election.

The firearms community caught wind and a big smack down was the result.

Buy, use, enjoy!

There is nothing illegal about the 10 round mags.

My 2 cents.
Even if the regulations were to change, you can always pin them later.


Now Im curious, with my ar build coming to completion, Im going to need to start buying mags. Should I just stay away from these 10rnds, to avoid becoming an instant criminal?
Let's get onto our MP's and Minister Blaney directly and let them know that this is not acceptable and the RCMP do not make laws or policy!!

We are almost there with the Common Sense reforms. Do not let the RCMP move us two steps back again!

From Calibre facebook page

In attending the CSSA annual general meeting we had the opportunity to follow up on the changes to Bulletin 72 with both the CSSA and Minister Blaney's office. Unfortunately we learned that Murray Smith (Manager, Specialized Firearms Support Services, Firearms Investigative and Enforcement Services Directorate, Canadian Firearms Program, RCMP) was heard referring to this as "The Year of the Magazine" at CANSEC just days ago. Allegedly this is a reference to an ongoing effort by the RCMP to limit LAR-15, Beowulf, and similar magazines' use. It is expected that whatever changes they intend to implement in order to obtain the goal of sidelining these magazines' use will be rolled out mere weeks ahead of the upcoming election. Minister Blaneys' office and the CSSA both overheard these comments at CANSEC, are aware of the RCMP's intentions, and are working towards preventing it. We will also be filing further Access to Information requests and following up with both the CSSA and the government as the situation develops over the summer.

In short, it appears that the RCMP are working towards placing restrictions on magazine use that would prevent the use of LAR-15 and Beowulf magazines, either completely or by legally requiring those magazines only be used with LAR-15 and Beowulf rifles. When we asked "Does this mean we may not be able to use our ten round magazines in out regular AR-15" we were told that indeed, this effort by the Firearms Program would prevent us from doing that, if it comes to fruition.

Send letters:

Letters should be addressed to:

The Right Honourable Stephen Harper MP, Prime Minister of Canada
The Honourable Steven Blaney MP, Minister of Public Safety

Blaney's FAX is 1-613-995-6856
Harper's FAX is 1-613-941-6900

Whatever you write, you can:
1) email it
2) Print it and FAX it
3) then put it in the mail

I would add to your OP a reminder/advice to be polite and civil with your phone calls. letters and emails. Using any profanity or other rude, hostile language will not only not help, but it can hinder. It will make us look bad and give ammo to the anti's. FYI.
I got a letter from Joy Smith MP stating that the law is the law and there are no plans to change it period. 10 round pistol mags are good to go. I just ordered 4 7.62 10 rounders!!
Guess you haven't checked the FRT for the Mossberg Blazers.

I personally think the RCMP firearms guys won't be floating too many more test "balloons" before the election.

The firearms community caught wind and a big smack down was the result.

Buy, use, enjoy!

There is nothing illegal about the 10 round mags.

My 2 cents.
Personally I think the whole thing is too complicated for citizens to properly understand and follow and for law enforcement to enforce!

If I had my way I would make it simple: Magazine Capacity would be 10 rounds regardless of type of firearm or ammo. This would mean the 10/22 - 25 round mags and drums would become(remain) prohibited and if you used a Beowulf mag in your AR with 14-15 rounds it would become prohibited (but if you used it in a beowulf that would be OK). On the other hand the SKS rifles could be de-pined and 10 round AR mags etc would be perfectly OK as well. On the shotgun side The rules might be a bit different, say 10 rounds of the maximum shell length the firearm is capable of holding so 10 3" for my mossberg.

I realize this would hurt a small number of people but it would HELP most everyone else and by making the rules SIMPLE, it can be easily argued it then improves PUBLIC SAFETY because it is easy to understand and enforce. (OK, we all no mag limits are bull#### for public safety but NO mag limits is just never going to happen!)
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