AR15/M16 parts kits

I picked up a Made in U.S.A. $70 Bushmaster Field repair kit a while back not knowing if these ones were going to come in. I did'nt compare item by item but mine has 3 gas rings and a fireing pin where these don't?? Better or not don't know????

These don't contain upper parts because they are lower parts kits and not field repair kits like you bought. They contain all the parts to build a AR or M16 lower. Your field kit only contains the most wearable/breakage prone parts for the AR rifle and isn't a complete parts kit by any means. Can't comment on quality but John states they are from a OEM milspec Contractor! So probably more than good.
These don't contain upper parts because they are lower parts kits and not field repair kits like you bought. They contain all the parts to build a AR or M16 lower. Your field kit only contains the most wearable/breakage prone parts for the AR rifle and isn't a complete parts kit by any means. Can't comment on quality but John states they are from a OEM milspec Contractor! So probably more than good.
THANKS.. Would be nice to have more info on origin??? Just sayin...
Maybe I'm a little thick, BUT what are trying to say here ?

That I like to know information on what I'm buying so I can make an educated and informed decision on whether to purchase said item.

I was curious as to the maker and origin of the parts kit. As that information isn't going to be released, I will pass on the option.
The only real difference I can see is between the kits that I have and the one I received from Marstar is packaging and the Trigger Guard, which isn't a big deal anyways. I can't tell the difference between the high end kit springs and pins at this point. However some assembly would be a good test. however there is no "Made in" Stickers on the Parts kit from DD either, so I suppose if it was a huge deal to someone to know the manufacturer then they may also want to know the pedigree of the steal, might as well ask for the MTR as well.
The only real difference I can see is between the kits that I have and the one I received from Marstar is packaging and the Trigger Guard, which isn't a big deal anyways. I can't tell the difference between the high end kit springs and pins at this point. However some assembly would be a good test. however there is no "Made in" Stickers on the Parts kit from DD either, so I suppose if it was a huge deal to someone to know the manufacturer then they may also want to know the pedigree of the steal, might as well ask for the MTR as well.

Yours has an FA hammer?

Re- "Made in......" I'm not really bothered, I would pay a large premium for a Taiwanese M14 so lets face it Taiwanese M16 parts don't bother me. It's not like I have an M16 to put them in, but the Taiwanese Army does, so I'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt as to what lasts.
Yours has an FA hammer?

Re- "Made in......" I'm not really bothered, I would pay a large premium for a Taiwanese M14 so lets face it Taiwanese M16 parts don't bother me. It's not like I have an M16 to put them in, but the Taiwanese Army does, so I'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt as to what lasts.

Well apparently these aren't from Taiwan. So.... just milspec.

Dpms colt DD etc etc are all milspec but have varying costs associated to them and varying reviews.
That I like to know information on what I'm buying so I can make an educated and informed decision on whether to purchase said item.

I was curious as to the maker and origin of the parts kit. As that information isn't going to be released, I will pass on the option.

Quite true, but we have not lasted more than 30 years by informing the whole world on every deal we make, sorry....
If our warranty is not good enough I'm afraid there is not much I can say or do

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How can you be sure?

What could he possibly wanted to rescind from his comment?

Sorry to disappoint you but I edited my post to add the picture . LOL
Edited 7 minutes after I posted it because I knew John would say I don't know what I'm talking about.
But as usual he said it anyway . Someone asked where they were made . John would not tell him .
The set I just received had that decal so I just passed the information along :rolleyes:
Really not surprised by Johns response . ;)
I for one do not care where they come long as they work a global world things come from all over...the key here is Marstar stands behind everything they sell... good enough for this guy... just my thoughts

Some people here should remember who's form they are on. John has provided a very hard to find product, who cares where it comes from and who made it, just that he has made it available. If you don't like it don't buy it .
i got a kit from both batches and they are pretty much the same,,also,,the last batch i got,and no taiwan sticker in it,,,as if i cared who made it,,you CAN'T get this kit anywhere else in Canada,,,so why all the pissing and moaning,,
Holy f-ing mother of all panty bunches. I was just asking for a country of origin.
I thought you asked a reasonable question..
I also think that more people then not like to know where their parts come from...
Anyone doing a period correct build has to know origin..
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