Private Messages Question

Here we go I figured it out.
- at the top right of the home page is a button titled settings, beside where it says Welcome Hyder, click on that
- then in the list on the left side of the page is "My Account", under that is "General Settings", click on that
- on that page under Messaging & Notification is a button to click that allows Private Messaging, click on that little button or check box
- then scroll to the bottom and click on "Save Changes"
Should work then
I always negotiate the details of the transaction through PM's.
This way CGN has access to them if the deal goes bad and Moderators want to look at who said what.

Not true. CGN policy is not to get involved in EE disputes and mods do not have access to members PM, I believe only top echelon do.
Some also want nothing to do with new members with no trader ratings.

I can understand from a buyers point of view but not as a seller.

newbies may require a bit more work, they ask a couple more questions but no more risk.
Hyder; send an PM to cgnadmin

tell them the issue, They can fix it for you

I just had a guy PM me regarding an item and I could not PM him back because his settings were messed up. CGN Admin fixed it

As far as dealing with 0 , it doesn't matter to me, you money is as good as anyone else's money when you are buying.
As far as responding to inquiries, as mentioned above by a couple of guys, its just common courtesy to respond and say it was sold. It takes 2 sec
As for email, again, I understand some workplaces block CGN and guys have to use email. Not a big deal to me. Like i said, Your money is as good as anyone's.

See if you can get your PM settings fixed and good luck on the EE
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