Tactical Teacher 2015 Western Road Trip... finally it's gonna happen...AND I'm HOME!

I've been here at Whistler for 3 intense days of family bonding and fun. Yesterday we hiked up to the top of the highest lake but below the glaciers. All great times...

I'm being summoned back home to Ontario...too many things to get done before moose season and then deer season. Mind you I do have a glass bedding job to get done either Mon or Tuesday night. :)

So much for a return set of clinics while I drive East. :cool:

Today I get to help my son sort out his apartment/ condo here!

I am back home. It's been 4 weeks and I'm back in the man cave or my basement workshop. It's good to be home... mind you it was great to be on the road and joking on the ranges with you westerners! :wave:

Three days of driving 1000K from Whistler to Turner Valley, Turner Valley to Virden, MB, and then from Virden, MB to Thunder Bay. Lots and lots of beef jerky and sunflower seeds. LOL

At least from Thunder Bay to my in-laws in the Soo, it was only 700 kliks a day.

Much to be thankful for so it's gonna be a MMG session... (Mad Minute of Gratitude)

I'm thankful for a wonderful firearms community we have here and across this super country
I'm thankful for all my hosts (stayed with them) and my sponsors (lent me their ranges and facilities)
I'm thankful for all my new found friends who did not tire of my old jokes
I'm thankful for the great BC mates in Kelowna who put up with my West Coast UBC and PPCLI stories of my misguided youth
I'm thankful for the students/learners of my clinics because you gave me a chance to shine and then build community

Okay, wife is arriving home from work! Gotta look busy! :wave:

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Glad you made it home.

Vaguely remember a discussion about relocating out this way.......? :popCorn:

Yeah, I bounced that around the trades guys at the TSE Cgy M14 clinic. I need to get my trades training in order first... I'll update you when I start in January 2016. I just paid the deposit for my tuition... yuk yuk yuk :cool:

I'm deliberately being vague ha ha ha ha :)

BUT (big but) I am getting closer and closer to the outcome of that conversation we shared in Peace River, AB M14 Clinic. I'm retired now since June 2014, collecting my Ontario Teacher's Pension so let's say; school is just the first step in that direction, then apprenticeship, then Red Seal (I can dream can I?) :eek:

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