"I'll Take It" rule details?

Agreed. I always leave mine up until the item is recieved and I get positive feedback. That way if there is a dispute or an issue, the add is still there for the mods to see that the item was as described and there were quality pics of the condition it was in. Never had an issue and hope never to have one, but for the time it takes, I feel it is worth it.

On a side note, I see both Jay and Stormchaser in here an niether of of you have your mod title anymore. Whats up with that?? Stirring up to much NFA sh*t? :)

This is what I do. But, I put "Sold" on my ad. Not everyone returns a Feedback Rating. But, I always leave one.
I'd like an opinion on a selling scenario. Suppose I'm selling an item. More than one person responds with I'll take it. I respond to the first I'll take it with It's yours and provide an email address for the EMT. What is a reasonable amount of time to wait for a response before offering it to someone else?
I'd like an opinion on a selling scenario. Suppose I'm selling an item. More than one person responds with I'll take it. I respond to the first I'll take it with It's yours and provide an email address for the EMT. What is a reasonable amount of time to wait for a response before offering it to someone else?

If you get multiple responses quickly, I would add to the first response " Please get back to me within X hrs as there are others interested in my product. If I don't hear from you in X hrs, I will assume you are not interested and will communicate with the next in line. Thank you".
I will also PM the rest in the queue to let them know there is a sale pending but if it falls through, they are the next in line to buy and repeat with the same comment for the first poster.
I'd like an opinion on a selling scenario. Suppose I'm selling an item. More than one person responds with I'll take it. I respond to the first I'll take it with It's yours and provide an email address for the EMT. What is a reasonable amount of time to wait for a response before offering it to someone else?

Normally 24 hours. If he doesn't send EMT within 24 hours or otherwise specifies. That's normally the time people give for EMT.
If you get multiple responses quickly, I would add to the first response " Please get back to me within X hrs as there are others interested in my product. If I don't hear from you in X hrs, I will assume you are not interested and will communicate with the next in line. Thank you".
I will also PM the rest in the queue to let them know there is a sale pending but if it falls through, they are the next in line to buy and repeat with the same comment for the first poster.

In my case, the second offer came a few hours after I had responded. Even if I had known about the second offer when I responded to the first, I wouldn't have thought it necessary to specify a time period. I thought any buyer would send payment or at least respond within a day if they were really interested. I certainly would. I'd be checking my messages every few hours if I actually wanted the item and respond immediately once I had received a response.
In my case, the second offer came a few hours after I had responded. Even if I had known about the second offer when I responded to the first, I wouldn't have thought it necessary to specify a time period. I thought any buyer would send payment or at least respond within a day if they were really interested. I certainly would. I'd be checking my messages every few hours if I actually wanted the item and respond immediately once I had received a response.
You are thinking like a normal considerate person. I would do the same and most of my EE transactions have been seamless. I even had a guy go quiet and the money showed up in an envelope!
Some people are not quite on the same wavelength or they may have a personal emergency. Who know?
You can do two things.
1. PM him again and ask for a specific answer and give him a deadline. Be sure he knows the product will not wait for him past whatever time you set. Snooze, you lose!
2. Check the guy's profile page. It will show when he was last online on the forum. If he has been here and has not responded, he is probably a tire kicker. PM him that you didn't hear from him so you're moving on.
In my case, I made an arrangement with another member after 24 hours. I finally received a message from the first guy about 28 hours after my initial reply. He seemed ticked that I had sold to someone else but cooled down after I explained myself. From now on, I'll be listing items with an "If I do not receive a response within 24 hours, the item goes to the next in line" disclaimer.
I had a buyer say " I'll take it ". I gave him my email address to send payment. Had no reply to my many pm's even though I can see him viewing online in the EE many times a day. Finally the guy reply back and told me to chill out because he was too busy to reply. Told me he would not deal with me anymore after I said I would give him a negative rating.We don't need guys like him on this site. Pm me if you want to know his user name.
Unfortunately the "ill take it" goes two ways. I pmed a guy i had bought off in a FTF trade before, got pics and more info. Pmed right back with a "ill take it". Got radio silence for a couple of days with him checking the site, then finally he changed it to SPF and replied. Simply got added to my ignore list, not really a negative feedback since technically there was no transaction.

One of the only at all negative experiences i have had on the EE. One other guy did not lie, simply withheld the truth. Something i cant understand or would not do. It was a sub $100 trade....a head scratcher.
My last EE transaction...I had 3 "I'll take it". 2 of them flaked out and stopped responding...the 3rd was a stand up guy and got the rifle (well, we're still waiting on the transfer). The Feedback Score is unbalanced the way seller's can't submit negatives. Don't say "I'll take it" then disappear. Man, that is just plain rude. But, it's not my forum and not my rules...
Unfortunately there is a high tolerance on the Forum for time wasters and those committing to buy and bail out or don't reply.

Define "high tolerance" two weeks and your deal still not done?
Some would have moved on by day three others would have let it go a week and offered up to the next guy.
It is what it is a free service to those who joined this forum of like minded people.
You get what's you payze for.
All of my transactions on EE have been super except for the last one. Wanted me to send a pic of gun with my PAL clearly visible, (um.... no), wants a bill of sale presumably before EMT (um.....no)........
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I buy more than I sell as a buyer it means my word. I have checked and confirmed that I have funds to buy the item by one of the payment methods specified and I will buy the item. If I back out I deserve bad feedback because I broken my word.
I abandoned this rule long ago...too many flakers and the feedback system is terribly unbalanced.

Now, its the "first to pay for it" rule.

x2, first one to agree to send payment gets it.

All of my transactions on EE have been super except for the last one. Had a newbie who "claims to be someone of importance", wanted me to send a pic of gun with my PAL clearly visible, (um.... no), then we are using email to avoid the bother of GunNutz messaging, wants the gun, we exchange physical addresses to make him feel more comfortable, wants a bill of sale presumably before EMT (um.....no), then he asks about my employment...... all this is making me kinda nervous. Says he wants the gun and will do an EMT...... nothing for 2 days. I see he has checked into GunNutz but still silence. Kinda makes me think that he's not who he claims to be and is digging for personal info....... a hacker of sorts.

Scammer not a hacker. They will try to use YOUR info/pal picture to purchase a firearm. Or to sell one that they do not own as you.
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