Issue with Target Sports Canada - satisfactorily resolved on page 5

Yes. I just feel like to talk about it. I was extremely pissed about their reschedule and no refund. I even mailed out my PAL application before I actually took the course. So able to take the course on time was important to me.

You mailed out a application and never took the course yet? You know they will just look at it and throw out that application.
Your receipt shows paid by MC so contact them and make them work for their outrageous fees.
Expect MC to say not their issue, work with the vendor at which point you ask to file a fraud complaint as they never deliver the product (thankfully your receipt clearly show the date).

Imagine you got tickets to the Stanely cup final but was told sorry, please come back a week later.
They have no choice but to refund you the money. No where does it say anything about no refunds. The receipt is basically a contract, the dates of the course they provided you never happened, therefore the "goods" you purchased were never delivered. Contact MC and start a claim. Never take no for an answer, ive been told no numerous amounts of times, put up a stink and they will refund you.
Would mean nothing unless they are BBB members.

BBB is a scam.

LOL scam

Wow I wonder if I will do business with this company lets check the rating. Oh crap nothing but people reporting they are getting screwed, I wont do business with them.

Way to get scammed LOL

LOL scam

Wow I wonder if I will do business with this company lets check the rating. Oh crap nothing but people reporting they are getting screwed, I wont do business with them.

Way to get scammed LOL

It is a paid membership service. Probably had a bit of value pre-internet days but now... Come on..

Time business magazine seems to agree with me but hey what do they know...
BBB is a scam
when a complant is made, and a company address,s the issue and the problems is fixed, unless the client finishes off the file and confirms that he is happy in writing to the BBB
all you see is one sided complete and the public that looks up said company sees nothing but negative reviews.
trust me I know...

I,m sure the issues with TSC, is just a miss understaning

LOL scam

Wow I wonder if I will do business with this company lets check the rating. Oh crap nothing but people reporting they are getting screwed, I wont do business with them.

Way to get scammed LOL

The customer service there, if you can call it that, is less than sub-par. I've written complaints to the management and been given a non-functioning phone number to call to address the issue. Suffice to say the issue was never resolved and I never received any response from the management despite numerous emails and messages left with the store. The staff there seem to make up rules with however they feel that day and have always put walk-ins (which make more money) above members paying $600/year. Never renewed my membership this year and never will go there or give them any money ever again.

I used to love the place but after they fired most of the good guys I used to know the place has gone into the garbage customer-service wise.
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I'll try and dig up the reference.

Unless you signed a piece of paper agreeing that you would not be refunded it's theft. They took your money agreeing to provide a service on a specific time and date and they refused to deliver. Just because they can reschedule doesn't mean you can. You deserve your money back.

It's the same as gift cards that "expire". Gift cards don't expire because money there is money on it. When a company tells you a gift card is expired and you can't use it it's theft.
Thread locked as today is Saturday, a Saturday in sunny summer. The staff of TSC can reopen this thread on Monday when they come back to the office and have the opportunity to response. Making complaint of a business in their forum on a weekend is not a fair move.

Firstly, I apologize for the problems this may have caused, especially on that weekend. We took the initiative to call everyone who was signed up for that weekend in order to re-book them for the weekend afterwards, and for the most part, it was successful with almost everyone.

I would like to remind you that your deposit for the course was non-refundable. Everyone who signs up for the course is reminded of this when the deposit is made. In order to curb the problem of deposits getting cancelled, we rectified the issue the week afterwards.

If you decided to take the course elsewhere, after the deposit was made, then it was known by you that the deposit would have been surrendered. We did contact you after all when it was known that the instructor was ill.

Again, I apologize for the inconvenience, but a non-refundable deposit is a non-refundable. You went elsewhere and therefore your booking deposit was kept with us. Had you wanted to take the course with us at a later date, your deposit would've still been valid.

I hope you understand and do swing by for a visit the next time around. Bring your sales receipt, and mention this discussion and we'll do everything in our power to make a trek here worth it.

Best regards,
Target Sports Canada Staff

Firstly, I apologize for the problems this may have caused, especially on that weekend. We took the initiative to call everyone who was signed up for that weekend in order to re-book them for the weekend afterwards, and for the most part, it was successful with almost everyone.

I would like to remind you that your deposit for the course was non-refundable. Everyone who signs up for the course is reminded of this when the deposit is made. In order to curb the problem of deposits getting cancelled, we rectified the issue the week afterwards.

If you decided to take the course elsewhere, after the deposit was made, then it was known by you that the deposit would have been surrendered. We did contact you after all when it was known that the instructor was ill.

Again, I apologize for the inconvenience, but a non-refundable deposit is a non-refundable. You went elsewhere and therefore your booking deposit was kept with us. Had you wanted to take the course with us at a later date, your deposit would've still been valid.

I hope you understand and do swing by for a visit the next time around. Bring your sales receipt, and mention this discussion and we'll do everything in our power to make a trek here worth it.

Best regards,
Target Sports Canada Staff

Does not sound like very good business practice - refund the guys money already - think of the damage done to your business by this thread. If you cancel a date, then refund the deposits. OP try going through your credit card company it may work out for you as they will usually side with the card holder.
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I highly doubt 90$ is really going to break your company. You'll loose more after this, since he would not shop and he could tell his friends and so on.. over 90$. Your staff was ill and it was post poned. Thats ground for a re fund in my mind.

Normally if a payment is non refundable there's written statement somewheres.
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