Issue with Target Sports Canada - satisfactorily resolved on page 5

This is the direction we wanted for Target Sports C. Maybe we can meet you in one of your future trip/s to TSC.

The management team is fully empowered to make decisions. I do not have the time or inclination to micromanage as I do not want to have a heart attack before I am 50.

I have every faith that the new and improved team will make things right.

This is the direction we wanted for Target Sports C. Maybe we can meet you in one of your future trip/s to TSC.

I am out every 3-4 weeks and always for the special event days. I like meeting the members of Target.

FYI: HVAC going in next week. Be prepared for the ranges to be closed all week.

Just to update my experience with TSC:

I finally decided, based on this thread, to email my complaint email that received an abysmal response from TSC and Grange management directly to JR himself. JR's response was really good and he validated a lot of my concerns and also shattered my preconception of him. He was really concerned with my experience there and was very receptive to what I had to say.
The employees and managers I had the poor service from are, apparently, no longer in positions at TSC. JR graciously offered to let me try the range now and see what I think of the new facility and management and I will do so. I hope with a new management team that the place runs correctly and issues like I had and the OP had get taken care of directly by staff at the range on the day of the concern.

While I am still very upset at what happened to me that caused me to not renew my membership I am pleased with JR's email responses to my concerns. I have to say that my impression of JR was not correct. His emails expressed his concern for my poor experiences at TSC and a willingness to not only make me happy but also to receive my feedback on the new staff, new management, and new facility.

It is unfortunate that I had to not renew my membership after the experience I had. I wish the management there had solved the problem before my membership was done. If they had been as positive at that time as JR has been right now it may have made a difference in my decision to leave TSC.
A business owner with several employees, and presumable supervisors, shouldn't have to deal with day to day problems like this.

Sometimes it's clearly justified (having done it myself) to make posts about #### like this on CGN but a lot of members seem to do it without exhausting all other options first, which obviously isn't fair to business owners. Hell some people seem to come here and ##### and vent before even contacting a company.

On the other hand business owners shouldn't half to walk around on egg shells and be sub-servant to everyone. Some customers are downright #######s.

A great lesson learned here is that policies are written down and not simply word of mouth. Deposits are non-refundable. Okay show me where it says that. Just like I mentioned about money on gift cards, companies (not TSE specifically) try to cut corners and employees make up BS policies to make their own job easier.

Good call on TSE for giving this guy a refund after they changed the course date.
I've been to Target Sports a decent amount of times. It is the closest firearms shop from where I live. They have a pretty decent selection and stock, so there isn't an issue with that part of the business. I now goto a further shop because of service though...

However, If you want customer service the best thing to do is avoid the guys (sad to say they seem more interested in the free range time/employee discounts for items, then helping a costumer out without a condescending tone... "Some... not all")

If you have to go look for the only girl there. She's always been helpful and friendly. I’d rather wait for her to finish up the range officer sessions and then approach her for help then deal with the guys.

Just my 2cents.
I've been to Target Sports a decent amount of times. It is the closest firearms shop from where I live. They have a pretty decent selection and stock, so there isn't an issue with that part of the business. I now goto a further shop because of service though...

However, If you want customer service the best thing to do is avoid the guys (sad to say they seem more interested in the free range time/employee discounts for items, then helping a costumer out without a condescending tone... "Some... not all")

If you have to go look for the only girl there. She's always been helpful and friendly. I’d rather wait for her to finish up the range officer sessions and then approach her for help then deal with the guys.

Just my 2cents.

Not sure what you are talking about personally as I have been to TSC several times the last few months and ALL of the staff members have been helpful with me regardless how busy they were. The female employee is also excellent.
Kennytaker, seems like you want to throw the staff under bus without any solid facts. The staff are awesome! including the TWO female employees in front of the house.
For me, I would say to Target Sports Canada that we sell puppies. When someone buys a puppy we take a non refundable deposit unless said puppy is ready to leave (10 weeks old) they take the pup and go. Anyhow, If we take a deposit on a puppy that is say 3 weeks of age and a day later for unknown reasons the puppy passes away do you think we would hold a non refundable deposit. NO, We give people the option to choose another puppy or we give them the money back as we have reneged on our part of the contract to hand them a happy, healthy puppy that they have taken the time to choose. When someone signs up for a course they may do so as they have TIME CONSTRAINTS governing when they are available. In my opinion you reneged on your part of the contract and even being non refundable, I think you'd lose in small claims court unless you can demonstrate otherwise by posting legal documents. redacted would be fine. Just sayin.
The issue was resolved and the customer came out satisfied. JR is making things right at TSC.
And there are people that go on about puppies(??) and #####ing about their past experience. News for some folks, the message has been received and the whiny bus is full.
I am a member there and I see positive things moving forward.

just my US$0.02
For me, I would say to Target Sports Canada that we sell puppies. When someone buys a puppy we take a non refundable deposit unless said puppy is ready to leave (10 weeks old) they take the pup and go. Anyhow, If we take a deposit on a puppy that is say 3 weeks of age and a day later for unknown reasons the puppy passes away do you think we would hold a non refundable deposit. NO, We give people the option to choose another puppy or we give them the money back as we have reneged on our part of the contract to hand them a happy, healthy puppy that they have taken the time to choose. When someone signs up for a course they may do so as they have TIME CONSTRAINTS governing when they are available. In my opinion you reneged on your part of the contract and even being non refundable, I think you'd lose in small claims court unless you can demonstrate otherwise by posting legal documents. redacted would be fine. Just sayin.

Yeah, because that's great comparison to what happened here.
Dang JR, I wish I could get in on the band wagon for good or bad. But I never visited your place when I lived in Eastern Ontario, so I have no dog in this fight. But from your replies here I might just have to check out your place here in the west sometime.
I think the biggest issue with the staff at target sports is they are all young and dont have the experience YET. Most times i go in there they are huddled around the computer looking up videos and pictures of cool gun related stuff online. often it takes 10 minutes of them standing there not doing anything before you can get some service. Often they arent too knowlegeable about what is in stock and are more concerned with what will "look cool". I can go in two different times and get two different opinions on the same product from the same guy, ex "_______ brand is the best" then "______thats junk buy ________ instead".

I know working in a gun shop is probably a dream job but it is just that, a job, work, not a social gathering. Put the customer first and socialize when things are slow. If upper managment came down for a week and showed them a few things im sure target would change. It is a great store, great selection, its rare i walk in and dont walk out with something new, and it seems the store gets a little nicer every time im in there

The staff just needs a little polishing
+1. That's how I felt as I've been there 3-4 times already. I went to FOC today at Ajax, man, they are amazing. Wish TSC was in the same boat.
I think Target sports has let customer service slip, and allowed a sense of arrogance to creap in. This is what happens in an environment of little direct competition in the immidiate GTA. Pull that stuff in a place like Detroit Metro where there are numerous ranges and stores. In the GTA buyers simply can't vote with their wallet.
Ive dealt with this company 2 times when visiting Calgary. One for a course and product and one for product. Both times they went out of their way to help me.

No store is perfect, but I will definitely deal with them next time I'm in Calgary!
I've been to Target numerous times, and a with few minor exceptions, never had a serious problem. Once I had an issue them advertising items they didn't have another time I was there, one of the staff had a bit of an attitude, was acting like a goof and was more interested in flirting with some young girls then range safety. No store is perfect all the time, staff will screw up and make mistakes, people will have good days and bad and staff change meaning new people with learning curves. The important thing though, the one constant, is leadership, in the case the manager or owner. I have communicated with JR several times, and always to my satisfaction. This guy knows what is important and will always try to make the customer happy. Even on this very thread, he immediately over-ruled his own staff and gave the full refund that OP/customer was seeking. I have confidence dealing with Target and TSC because even if something goes wrong, I'm quite certain JR will make it right.

I one question for anyone here posting complaints about either of these stores; (or any store), have you communicated your concerns to mgmt or ownership?
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